Her father

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Lucy went back to Mira's house. "Hi girls." Aria said. "Hi mom." Both girls said and went down to the basement. Aria smiled as she watched the girls. "Okay. What to do? What to do?" Mira asked herself allowed as she put her dress on a rack. Lucy walked around Mira's studio. She loved it. "How about lace?" Mira asked. "A lace dress?" Lucy asked. "Not all the way lace. Like a sheer lace dress." Mira said. Lucy nodded.

Mira sat in her chair and pulled out a sketch pad. Lucy walked over to Mira to try and watch her sketch. "Nope move." Mira said. Lucy sighed and sat on Mira's beanbag. Damian called Lucy and she answered it. "Hi." Lucy said. "Hello beloved. Where are you?" Damian asked. "I'm with Mira." Lucy said. "Dress shopping?" Damian asked. "We were dress shopping. Mira found a dress but I haven't yet." Lucy said. "Hopefully you can find a dress soon beloved." Damian said l.

"Me too." Lucy said. "Ok I'm done." Mira said. "Hm." Damian said. "She's done texting JJ." Lucy lied. She didn't want him to know Mira was making her a dress. "I'll call you back in a little bit okay." Lucy said. "Alright." Damian said. "Bye bye." Lucy said and hung up. She got up and went over to Mira. Lucy looked at the drawing. "Lace around the chest area and like lace shorts. A lace corset and then a sheer wrap around your neck going down in the front." Mira said.

Lucy nodded. "Oh and like my legs will sorta be out." Lucy said. "Mhm cause I'll have have some sheer sorta around the bottom." She said. Lucy nodded. Mira had to be as simple with her words as possible for lucy to understand. Mira got up and started to get her supply's together. Lucy sat down and watched her move around. "Can you get the pins?" Mira asked. "Oh ok." Lucy got up and did as told. She gave Mira the pins.

"Thank you." Mira said. Lucy nodded. To pass time lucy span around, touched things, went upstairs ate, went back to the basement bothered Mira until Mira told her go talk to her mother. She went and spoke with Aria till lucy felt like she was done talking. She went upstairs and walked around. "Soooo bored." Lucy mumbled. She saw that a door was open just a crack. She pushed it open and walked in. "Oh hey! You're home." Lucy said.

A man looked up from his work to see a blonde girl with a big smile standing in his door. "It's good to see you too Lucy." He said. "You've missed so much Adam." Lucy said and sat in the chair in front of his desk. "Oh did I?" He asked. "Yes you did." Lucy said. Adam is Mira's father. He's normally away on business. "Tell me." Adam said. "So here's the tea." Lucy said and flipped her hair. Adam laughed. "So I have a boyfriend now." Lucy said.

Adam's eyes widen. Lucy didn't seem like the girl to do relationships. When Mira started dating Lucy wasn't. He expected both girls to start at the same time or at least around the same time but lucy never followed along. She was more into being without a partner and even though boys wanted her it was either a straight no to the face or laughter and a no. So hearing this was shocking to Adam.

"Really?" He asked. "Yes, crazy I know." Lucy said. "Well what's he like?" Adam questioned. "Welllll he's rough around the edges, it takes time for him to warm up to people. But, he's a good person. He's really sweet to me and he listens." Lucy said. "What's his name?" Adam asked. "Damian Wayne." Lucy said. "It would be hard to make him go missing but if you ever want him to go missing. Call me." Adam said.

Lucy laughed. "I'm serious." Adam said. "I'm highly aware. I remember Robbie." Lucy said. Robbie was a boy who Mira sorta dated. He tried to hurt her and let's just say no one has heard from Robbie since. "Ah yes Robbie." Adam said and rolled his eyes. Lucy laughed. She continued telling Adam somethings until Mira came to get her.

"There you are. I see you found daddy. The dress is finished." Mira said. "Yay." Lucy said and got up from her seat. "My little dreamer." Adam said as he looked at Mira. She smiled. The girls were leaving but Adam stopped his daughter. "Mira." He called. "Yes daddy." She said. "How's your new boyfriend?" Adam asked. "I don't have one of those daddy." She said. He nodded.

The girls went back to the basement and Lucy tried on the dress. "Yes?" Mira asked as she had Lucy in the mirror. Lucy just stared at herself. "Lucy?" Mira asked. "I love it." Lucy said. "You do?" Mira asked. Lucy nodded. "I look pretty." Lucy said. "You're always pretty." Mira said and rubbed Lucy's back. "Thank you so much Mira." Lucy said and hugged her. Mira smiled and hugged her back. "Anything for my best friend." Mira said.

"What can I do to repay you?" Lucy asked and pulled away from Mira. Mira thought about it. "Could you...never mind." Mira said. "No Mimi what is it?" Lucy asked. "Could you just promise you won't get it dirty." Mira said. "Ohhhh um I can try." Lucy said. "I'll take it." Mira said. Lucy laughed. "Come on let's go show mom and dad." Mira said.

The girls went upstairs. "Mommy! Daddy! Can I borrow you two for a moment please!" Mira shouted. She stood in front of Lucy to hide her. Aria and Adam came to their daughter. "What's going on?" Aria asked. Mira moved out of the way so they could see lucy. "Oh honey you look beautiful." Aria said and smiled real big. "Very beautiful. You did good Mira." Adam said. "Thanks." Mira said.

"Thanks guys." Lucy said. "Is this for the gala?" Adam asked. "Yeah. I couldn't find anything I liked so I asked Mira to make me a dress." Lucy said. "You two are gonna look so lovely." Aria said.

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