Movie night

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Lucy was sitting with Damian in his painting room. "Beloved what's going on?" Damian asked. "He's sending me away, again." Lucy said. "What?" Damian asked. "I'm getting sent to Bludhaven so I can control myself." Lucy said. "He has a thing for sending his children away." Damian said. "What do you mean?" Lucy asked. "A while ago father sent me away to the Titans because I need to work well with others." Damian said. Lucy nodded.

"He lets other people raise and fix his kids." Lucy said. Damian laughed. "You aren't wrong beloved." Damian said. "I don't wanna go." Lucy said. "I don't want you to go either." Damian said and hugged Lucy. Lucy nuzzled her face into his neck.

At the dinner table with her mother lucy picked at her food. "Baby." Harley said. "Mama. I don't" "I know but think of it as a new start for us." Harley said. Lucy nodded. "We can do this baby. We are gonna have such a good time in Bludhaven." Harley said. "Ok." Lucy said. "You get to finish your junior year with your friends at least." Harley said. Lucy nodded.

Lucy did everything she could to enjoy her last few months. Constantly hanging out with her friends and just trying to enjoy herself.
She was sitting on the couch at Titans Tower. "Can we watch Child's Play?" Garfield asked "Fuck no." Lucy said. "Can we watch Zombieland?" Jason asked. "Maybe." Jaime said. "Aristocats." Lucy said. "Nooooo." Damian said. "Sharknado?" Jon asked. "FUCK NO!" Jason shouted. "We can't do this all night." Raven said. "Ok ok ok." Kon said. "We are watching Zombieland." Jason said. "Wait no one agreed to that." Tim said. "Don't care I'm the oldest." Jason said.

"Who cares!" Tim shouted. "I hate it here." Lucy said and pulled out her phone. Her and her mother Sabrina had been texting back and forth. "You and me both." Raven said. "Can we watch Saw?" Mira asked. "Bitch no." Lucy said and hit her with a pillow. "She got taste." Jason said. "Ah!" Mira shouted. "What are we watching tonight?" Kon asked. "Can we watch speedracer?" Bart asked. "Fuck no." Tim said. "Guys we have to pick something." Raven said. "Let's watch the conjuring." Kon said. "I'm not peeing on myself." Lucy said.

"Pussy." Jason said. "I am what I have." Lucy said. Kon laughed. Jon's eyes widen. "She's not wrong." Mira said. "Can we just please pick a movie and not talk about the feminine body parts." Jon asked. "What is going on?" Kara asked as she walked into the living room. "Hey cousin!" Jon shouted excitedly. "Hi Jon." She said. "We're having movie night." Garfield said. "And I wasn't invited?" Kara asked. "You were busy." Jaime said.

She nodded her head. She noticed Damian and smiled. "What are we watching?" She asked as she walked over to Damian but soon stopped when she noticed the other blonde curled up in his lap. "We can't decide." Jon said. "Look just someone go to the movie shelf and toss something out." Kara said as she sat next in between Jon and Kon. "But who goes?" Jon asked. Kara shrugged.

"I'm not getting up." Lucy said. "Okay well she's out." Jaime said. "Damian can't move cause she's not moving." Raven said. "Okay look what if I throw a pillow at the shelf and whatever falls out we watch." Lucy said. "What if a lot of movies fall out?" Kon asked. "Ugh." Lucy groaned. "Jason you go." Tim said. "No." He said. "I'll go." Raven said as she got up. "Raven the realist one." Mira said. "Hey Tim how's it going with Der" "we are watching The Blair Witch project." Raven said.

She popped the movie into the DVD player and sat down next to Garfield. Jason fell asleep half way through the movie and Damian was unamused. Kara kept glancing over at Damian. He was stroking her replacements hair and smiling at her. Why wasn't that her? Jon took noticed and just patted Kara's leg. He knew his cousin was upset and felt bad for her but he was also happy that Damian is happy.

Damian doesn't love nor treasure a lot of things so to see him being happy and in love made Jon happy. Lucy was looking up at Damian and smiling at him. The two no longer watching the movie but each other. Lucy reached up and touched his face. She was gonna miss him. "Aye! Keep it pg13 over there." Tim said to the young couple. "Shut up." Lucy said. "Mind your business Drake." Damian said. "No one wants to see you two making out." Kara said.

"One, it's dark in here so you guys can barley even see us and two we aren't even making out." Lucy said. "Lucy no boys come sit next to daddy." Jason said. "When did you wake up." Mira said. "When you moved in your seat." Jason said. "Oh sorry." Mira said. "No daddy." Lucy said. "Shouldn't Lucy be calling Damian daddy?" Garfield asked. Lucy covered her mouth. "I mean." Mira said. "Very bold." Jaime said and looked at Garfield. Raven's eyes widen. Kara folded her arms. "Listen we aren't gonna talk about that." Lucy said.

"Garfield if you wanna keep all nine of your lives shut your mouth." Damian said. "I'm sorry." He said. Lucy laughed. "Can we just finish the movie." Kara snapped. Lucy rolled her eyes. When the movie was over Garfield stood up. "We gotta watch something else." He said. "Pick a random movie." Lucy said. Garfield closed his eyes and ran his fingers through the movies. Back and forth his green fingers went until he stopped on a movie. "What is it?" Raven asked.

"It is Transformers." Garfield said. "Who the fuck bought that?" Lucy asked. "I think I did." Garfield said. "Wouldn't be surprised if you did." Jaime said. "Can we pick something else?" Raven asked. "But cars. They go fast." Bart said. "No." Jon said. "If I call Wally he'll vote for this movie." Bart said. "Wally?" Mira asked. "Another speedster." Jason said. "He could be here in two seconds." Jon said. "More like three but if he's really trying it could be two second." Bart said.

"Call him. I wanna see him run in." Lucy said. "No." Damian said. "Ugh." Lucy groaned. "You'll see him next time. I promise." Bart said. Lucy nodded. "Anyways pick a new movie." Mira said. Lucy sat up and stretched. When she sat back down Damian wrapped his arm around her. Lucy nuzzled her face into his neck. Garfield closed his eyes again and went to pick another movie

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