Back together

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Lucy was sitting in a pink and purple corset matching shorts and black shoes. Her hair in pigtails. "So whose head do I get to bash in first?" She asked. Joker laughed. "Hold on Baby J." Joker said. Lucy pouted. Harley smiled. "So what are we doing first?" Lucy asked. "First we are go-" there was a loud thud on top of the car. "The hell." Lucy said. "It's the bat boss!" The driver shouted. Harley pulled out her gun and raised it up to the roof. She began to shoot. "YOU ARE RUINING FAMILY TIME!" Harley shouted.

"Stupid bat." Lucy hissed. She grabbed her mother's gun then rolled down her window and climbed half way out. She lifted herself up on to the roof and began to shoot at Batman. He quickly grappled to a building. "Lucy stop!" Nightwing shouted. She turned her head and saw him on his motorcycle trying to catch up to the car. She began to shoot at him. The gun soon ran out of bullets. "Fuck!" She shouted.

She tossed the gun back into the car. "I don't know what's going on." Nightwing said into his earpiece. "I've got a clear shot I can take it." Batgirl said. "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE!" Robin shouted. "Stay away!" Lucy shouted and green flames came flying at Nightwing. He dodged the flames on his bike. "What do you want us to do then Robin?" Batgirl asked. "Pop the tires, try to run them off the road, do anything else but basically blow up the car!" He shouted.

"The car could blow up if we run it off the road." Batgirl said. "Why are you here?" Robin asked. "I was told all hands were needed on deck for this so here I am." Batgirl said. "Guys don't argue please. Ah! She's got great aim you know." Nightwing said. "That's my girl." Jason said. The Batwing appeared in front of the car blocking the way. "Out of the way." Lucy said and threw more green flames but this time at the Batwing. Batgirl pushed a button that released hooks to grab lucy.

Batgirl flew over Lucy and grabbed her. She tried to break free but she couldn't. "No!" Harley shouted. She got out the car and tried to grab Lucy. Nightwing grabbed Harley and cuffed her. The Batmobile pulled up and Nightwing quickly put her in the backseat. "Get off my Harley!" Joker shouted as he got out the car. Batman got out the car and sent the Batmobile back to the Batcave. "Nightwing make sure the Batmobile drives it self back safely." Batman said.

Nightwing nodded and got back on his bike. He followed the Batmobile back to the Batcave. Lucy was dangling as Batgirl was taking her to the Batcave. When they got back to the Batcave, Lucy and Harley were let go. Harley hugged Lucy. "Oh my baby. Are you ok?" Harley asked. "Yeah I'm fine." Lucy said. Lucy hugged her mother. Harley let her go and Robin quickly hugged Lucy. "Get off of me!" Lucy shouted and pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked. "The hell is wrong with you?" Lucy asked. "Lucy why are you acting as if you don't know us?" Nightwing asked. "Cause I don't." She snapped. "Yes you do." RedRobin said. "What did he do to you?" Damian asked. "He gave her, her early birthday present." Harley said. "What?" He asked. Harley put both her fist to both sides of her head. "Bzzzzz." Harley said and pretending to be shocked.

"Lucy you know who I am. Please." Damian begged. Lucy shook her head. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture they took on Christmas with her Polaroid camera. "Look at this." He said and gave it to her. She took it and looked at it. "That's us. Remember? You got pink boxing gloves and you gave me green k-" "throwing knives." Lucy said. "Yes." Damian said. "We went to the butterfly garden and I gave you the camera." Damian said. "You.." she scrunched up her nose and closed her eyes.

Her brain was hurting. "Lucy please remember." Damian begged. "Dami?" She asked. "Yeah." He said and hugged her. She laid her head on him. "You asked me out." She said. "Yes I did." Damian said. "He took me from the fashion show! Is Mira ok?!" Lucy asked as she looked up at Damian. "She's fine. She's upstairs with Jason." Damian said. Lucy nodded. "Is my mom okay?" Lucy asked. "I'm right here." Harley said. "I mean. My adopted mom." Lucy said.

Harley forgot that of course her daughter had been adopted. "She's still freaking out but Kate is trying to take care of her. We can go there later but if you want you can call her." Damian said. "Yeah can I use someone's phone please." Lucy said. Tim tossed her his phone. She caught it and called Sabrina. The phone rang a few times but soon she got an answer. "Mom." Lucy said. "Lucy! Oh god you are okay! Where are you?" Sabrina asked.

"Batman saved me and I made my way to Damian's house." Lucy said. "Oh thank god." Sabrina said. "I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?" Lucy asked. "Yeah. I love you. I love you so much." Sabrina said. "I love you too mom." Lucy said. The call ended. "I gotta see Mira." Lucy said and made her at out of the Batcave. She went upstairs and found Mira upstairs. She was sitting on the couch with Jason.

"Mira." Lucy said. "Lulu!" She shouted and got up. Mira ran over to her and they hugged. "I'm so glad you are okay." Mira said. "Me too." Lucy said. "What happened?" Mira asked. "My dad happened." Lucy said. "Joker?" Mira asked. "Mhm." Lucy said. "I'm glad you are okay mini me." Jason said. "I'm okay as I can be." Lucy said.

"Did he hurt you?" Mira asked. "Yeah." Lucy said. "What did he do?" Jason asked. "My brain is a little well a lot fried." Lucy said. "He did what?!" Mira shouted. "He fried my brain. I literally didn't know who Damian or anyone but my mom and dad were." Lucy said. "Oh Lulu." Mira said and rubbed her back. "It's okay." Lucy said. "Not it's not." Mira said.

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