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Lucy was setting up her tea set. She was long over due for a tea party. Of course she set up her snacks and filled her tea pot with apple juice. Once she was done she was off to find Alfred. Who else was gonna get first invite?! Duh! When Lucy found Alfred he was in Bruce's room making his bed. "Why can't daddy make his own bed?" Lucy asked. "Because he is lazy and is still a young boy who needs me to pick up after him." Alfred said. Lucy giggled. Lucy has been referring to Bruce as her dad for a while now. He was the closet thing she knew to be a good dad.

"How May I assist you Lucy?" Alfred asked. "I'm coming to invite you to my tea party." Lucy said. "Ah yes. I appreciate the invitation and I will be there." Alfred said. "Good. It's in the living room. Be there in five. Don't be late." Lucy said. "I would never." Alfred said. Lucy nodded and skipped off to go get Tim. She knocked on Tim's door. "Come in." Tim said on the other side of the door. Lucy opened the door and walked in. Tim was doing homework for school. "Hey." Tim said and patted a spot for Lucy on his bed.

"No thank you. I've come to give you an invitation." Lucy said. "An invitation?" Tim asked. "Yes. You are invited to my tea party. It's in the living room. Don't be late it starts in five minutes." Lucy said and walked out of Tim's room closing the door behind her. She walked downstairs and as she was headed to the kitchen to invite Dick she saw something in the living room. She turned her head and saw Jason. "AHHHHHH!" Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs. "What happened?!" Dick shouted as he ran out the kitchen. "Ahhhhh!" Lucy managed to scream even louder.

"Turn it off!" Jason shouted. Lucy had caught Jason eating her brownies that were set up for her tea party and she was not happy! The louder she screamed the angrier she got and the angrier she got pillows, books, remotes and other things went flying. Dick quickly picked Lucy up and tried to calm her. "Shhh, shhh, shhh. It's okay." Dick said and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry! It's not that serious!" Jason shouted. Lucy quickly turned her head and glared at Jason with her glowing green eyes. "THEY WEREN'T FOR YOU!" Lucy shouted. "Shhh. It's alright Lucy." Dick said. Alfred came down the stairs and took Lucy from Dick.

"I'm here. Don't worry it's okay. I'll make you a whole new batch just for you." Alfred told Lucy. She wrapped her arms around Alfred and sniffled. "Jason what the fuck?" Tim asked. "I didn't think it would be this bad. I'm sorry kid I really am." Jason said. Lucy didn't respond. "Lucy." Jason said. "She's asleep." Alfred said. Which was true Lucy had fallen asleep due to all her magic use. "Bruce is gonna kill us." Jason said as he looked around the living room. It wasn't pretty. Remotes and books went flying out the window and of course broke them along with pillows now being everywhere.

"No no! He's gonna kill you. Don't put me in this shit! I was just trying to come to a tea party and you fucked it up." Tim said. "Shut up replacement." Jason said. "You shut up dead boy." Tim said. "Aye I'm not dead anymore." Jason said. "Your point is, you're still dead on the inside." Tim said. "The sad thing is you aren't wrong." Jason said. Alfred took Lucy upstairs to her room. "I don't think it's a good idea for Bruce to give her to another family." Dick said. "He's already promised her to a couple Dick. We can't keep her even if we really wanted to." Tim said. "I though she was staying." Jason said.

"No, Bruce says she deserves better. A normal life. She doesn't need to be like us." Dick said. "She's already like us rather he likes it or not." Jason said. "She's still young in a better environment she can be molded and be better." Tim said. "This is a good environment for her. She's so much better then when she first got here. I know I'm not the only one who noticed that." Jason said. "Jason I know. But as I said Bruce already promised her to a couple. She can't stay." Tim said. "Well he can say never the fuck mind to them. Promises aren't shit anyways." Jason said. "It's too late for any of that. Papers are already being signed." Tim said.

"How do you know this shit?" Jason asked. "I'm Tim fucking Drake. I have access to Wayne Enterprise unlike you so I can check what's going on and I've seen the documents. The adoption is happening rather any of us like it or not." Tim said. "Well when we tell Bruce about this explosion she had then what? Is he still gonna give her away? They won't be able to handle her." Jason said. "We can't even handle that only Alfred can. If Alfred wasn't here we would have been fucked." Tim said. Jason sighed. "What do we do?" He asked. "Figure out how to help her control it." Tim said. "How?" Jason asked.

"I can call Zatanna see if she can do anything." Dick said. "Better make that call soon." Tim said. "Why?" Dick asked. "She's going to her new home in two weeks." Tim said. "Two weeks?" Jason asked. Tim nodded. "Fuck." Jason said. "I'll make that call later today." Dick said. "What if she can't do anything?" Tim asked. "I'm pretty sure there is something she can do. Don't doubt her." Dick said. When Bruce got home the boys had to explain what happened while Lucy was still in bed. Bruce went up to her room to check up on her.

"Lucy." Bruce said as he walked into her room. Lucy was still sleeping. He shook her. "Lucy." Bruce said. Lucy opened her eyes. "Hm." She said. "Are you alright?" Bruce asked. Lucy nodded. "You sure you've been sleeping for a long time." Bruce said. "I'm sure." Lucy said. "The boys told me what happened." Bruce said. Lucy looked down a little upset that they told him. "Have outburst like that happened before?" Bruce asked. "Maybe." Lucy said. "Maybe?" Bruce asked. "I don't know." Lucy said. Bruce nodded. "I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." Lucy said.

"It's okay. We just need to work on you controlling your powers." Bruce said. Lucy nodded. "I found you a new home." Bruce said. Lucy's eyes widen. "You did?" Lucy asked. Bruce nodded. "Wow." Lucy said. "They are really good people and they want good things for you." Bruce said. Lucy nodded. "Are you sure they like me?" Lucy asked. "Yes they like you." Bruce said. "Are you sure?" Lucy asked. "Yes I'm sure." Bruce said. "As long as you're sure." Lucy said. "I'm positive. They wanna meet you in a few days. Is that okay?" Bruce asked. "I guess." Lucy said.

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