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Barbara came over to the manor to see everyone. She had been out of town for a while. Doing college stuff. She was sitting on the couch talking to Tim. "She's been training and she can get very aggressive. It's a little scary. That little 5'3 thing could kill me." Tim said. "Maybe I can talk to her." Barbara said. "Go ahead and try." Tim said. "Where is she?" Barbara asked. "Having her daily cuddle session with Damian. You don't wanna interrupt that." Tim said.

Barbara nodded. After sometime Lucy came downstairs to get a snack. "There she is." Tim said. Barbara nodded and got up. She went into the kitchen. "Hey." Barbara said. Lucy turned and saw her. "Hey." She said and hugged her. Barbara smiled and hugged her back. "I missed you." Lucy said. "I missed you too." Barbara said. Lucy sat at the table and Barbara sat next to her. "Thanks by the way." Lucy said.

"For what?" Barbara asked. "You helped save me." Lucy said. "Oh right. No problem." Barbara said. "Where have you been?" Lucy asked. "College." Barbara said. "That makes sense." Lucy said. "What's been going on?" Barbara asked. "A lot." Lucy said. "Therapy." Barbara said. "Let's not talk about that." Lucy said. "Why not?" Barbara asked. "I rather not have another violent episode." Lucy said.

"What?" Barbara asked. "I almost killed my psychiatrist and therapist." Lucy said. "What?" Barbara asked. "Yeah." Lucy said. "You almost killed them?" Barbara asked. "Yeah. Did I stutter?" Lucy asked. "No you didn't but still. Lucy how do you do that?" Barbara asked. "They pissed me off and I felt as if they deserved it." Lucy said. "What did you do?" Barbara asked.

"I jumped on my psychiatrist. I scratched her a lot. She was a bleeding mess. Her blood covered my hands." Lucy said. "Dark." Barbara said. Lucy shrugged. "What's going on? What's causing you to act like this?" She asked. "A lot of shit. Everything is coming up and I just...I have a hard time handling it." Lucy said. "What's coming up?" Barbara asked. "Everything! Babs...look my adopted dad isn't shit. He's not as bad as my real dad far from it but he's still not good." Lucy said. Barbara nodded.

"He looks at me like a monster I use to hate it but now I don't care much because I am a monster. I'm a little demon and I like it. I like that he's afraid of me because he should be. I felt like a charity award. He didn't even want me but my mom did. Sabrina wanted me and it made it a bit more easier. She loves me and my brother does as well. You guys left me. It hurt. Still hurts a bit actually but I'm happy to have everyone again. I've got abandonment issues a bit. I've got a bit of a drinking problem as well. I steal Jason's stuff all the time to feel better, to feel numb so I don't have to close my eyes and think about how lonely I really feel or how I know I'm a fucking mess." Lucy said.

"We never meant to leave you. We are back now and we only want to help you. All of us do. We won't leave you again. Let's make this right. You aren't are monster or some demon. You are Lucy. Our baby sister. The little cutie who we all love more than words can describe." Barbara said. Lucy nodded. "Now let's also talk about this drinking problem." Barbara said. "It's not as bad as freshman year trust me. I use to get fucked up on the daily till I went to the hospital three times." Lucy said. "Three times?!" Tim shouted. "Tim!" Barbara shouted. Lucy laughed.

"How the fuck do you go to the hospital three times?" Tim asked. "Alcohol poisoning and getting drugged oh and accidentally almost drowning." Lucy said. Tim's eyes widen. "Kid what the fuck?" Jason asked. "I'm very uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the kitchen today." Dick said. Lucy laughed. "Guys laugh it's funny my god." Lucy said. "It's not funny." Dick said. "You guys are being as boring as my first therapist." Lucy groaned. "So who drugged you? Like name and address if you don't mind." Jason said.

Lucy shrugged. "Not sure. All I remember is Mira freaking the fuck out next to me in my hospital bed and the doctor telling me I was drugged." Lucy said. "Does my Blueberry know who did it?" Jason asked. "I don't think so. I was inside sitting on a counter top talking to some girl and then I didn't feel good and I remember going outside cause I knew she was with Ben outside while he was playing beer pong. Some guys were trying to grab on me but I bit them and made my way to Mira I leaned on her and told her I didn't feel good." Lucy said.

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