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Damian and Lucy were walking on rooftops at two in the morning. "I'm surprised I'm allowed to go out." Lucy said. "Why?" Damian asked. "I just expected the big Bat to say no." Lucy said. "I'm actually a bit surprised myself. You aren't that trained to do this." Damian said. "I can defend myself. For your information I'm very skilled in knife throwing and I can do magic." Lucy said. "Hand to hand. How good are you?" Damian asked. "I could probably be a lot better." Lucy said as she jumped to the next roof.

Damian followed her. "Outta the way kitties." Someone said zooming by Damian and Lucy. Lucy stumbled and so did Damian. They turned around and saw Catwoman. "Aunty." Lucy said. "What?" Catwoman asked. Lucy walked over to her and took off her mask. "L-lucy." Selina stuttered. Lucy nodded. "I thought. We all thought you were dead. Your mother barely speaks to anyone about you. She wouldn't tell us anything about the night she was put away." Catwoman said and walked closer to Lucy.

"My mom doesn't talk about me?" Lucy asked. "No. She doesn't talk about you or your father but she keeps a picture of you around. With that picture we all swore you were dead." Catwoman said. "Does my dad say anything?" Lucy asked. "He went along with you're dead." Selina said. Lucy nodded. "But my mother is happy with Ivy isn't she? I don't matter right?" Lucy asked. "Honey." Selina said. "A burden as usual." Lucy said as she put on her mask. "She loves you." Selina said. "Doesn't feel like it." Lucy said.

Lucy began to walk to the edge of the building. "Kitten. Your mother loves you. I know it's hard." Selina said as she walked to her. Damian followed after her. "Lucy." Damian said. "No. I'm tired. I'm fucking tired." Lucy said. Damian grabbed Lucy. "I really Fucking hate it here." Lucy said. "Let's go home." Damian said. Lucy nodded. "Lucy." Selina said. Lucy turned to her. "What?" She asked. "I'm sorry." Selina said. Lucy just shrugged. Damian took Lucy back to the manor. She sat on his bed in his clothes crying.

Damian sat on the bed. Lucy looked at Damian. "Damian do you think I'm worthy of someone's time?" Lucy asked. "Of course." Damian said. "Do you think she loves me?" Lucy asked. "Of course she does and if she doesn't you still have Sabrina." Damian said. She whipped her face. Lucy looked at Damian and he looked at her. She leaned closer to him and kissed him. Damian pulled away. "Sorry. I just um." Damian leaned in again and kissed her. Lucy kissed him back. When they pulled away Lucy smiled.

"Damn it Quinn." Damian said. "What?" Lucy asked. "I was planning on asking you ou- never mind." Damian said. "You were?! Really?! Dude you should have just asked me already." Lucy said. "I wanted to ask you just never mind." Damian said flustered. "Damian seriously just ask me." Lucy said. "No." Damian said. "Why not?" Lucy asked. "Because I have a plan. It has to be perfect." Damian said. "No it doesn't. I don't do perfect. Nothing in my life is perfect." Lucy said with a shrug.

"Just let me make this special for you." Damian mumbled. Lucy smiled. "Ok." She said. Damian nodded. He couldn't believe that one he kissed her and that he told her he was gonna ask her out! To ask her out he was currently planning a big day. Such as taking her roller skating, watching her favorite movie, painting and taking her to a butterfly garden so she could take pictures with the new camera that he's buying her. Damian laid on his bed and looked at the ceiling.

"What's up fuckers!" Jason shouted as he came into the room with two beers in his hand. "Get out Todd!" Damian shouted. "This is why dad doesn't fucking love you!" Tim shouted. "Anyways. What are you two doing?" Jason asked. "Minding our business." Lucy said. Jason sat on the bed and Lucy took the unopened beer in his left hand. Dick and Tim came in the room and sat on the bed as well. Lucy cracked the beer opened and drank it. "You are definitely my mini me." Jason said. "Lucy why?!" Dick shouted. "Because." Lucy said.

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