Try on

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The next afternoon Lucy and the boys were at Mira's house. They were in her basement. Mira had tons of manikins that were dressed and lots of racks of clothes. Sketch pads, sewing machines, cloths and accessories. Lucy was currently getting her measurements done. "See your measurements are different now. Your bust is bigger now." Mira said. Lucy just nodded.

"So tell me Blueberry. You need any other models?" Jason asked. Mira rolled her eyes. "No I don't." Mira said. "But Mira think about it. The Wayne boys would be a good add on." One of the female models said. "Maybell I don't need them. Also I'm only allowed to have six models." Mira said. "No need to be feisty Blueberry." Jason said. "I didn't invite you into my studio." Mira said. "Well hey I'm here for Lucy." Jason said. "Don't care. You can leave." Mira said.

"Tell em Mimi." Lucy said. "Hey why you gotta agree with her?" Jason asked. "I'm just saying." Lucy said. "You don't love me baby girl." Jason said and placed his hand on his heart. "Oh don't be so sensitive daddy." Lucy said while she began to walk over to the boys. "I can't help it." Jason said. "What about me?" Dick asked. "Oh Dicky you know you are also my dad." Lucy said. Mira went to her rack of clothes. She had made a ton of clothes for the fashion show.

Now Lucy was a late model but it's nothing Mira couldn't handle. "Maybell and Alana could you two try these on for me?" Mira asked and pulled out two dresses. Granted now this fashion show was a winter fashion show dresses were important to have become well Christmas parties duh! "Now Lucy I want you to try on this coat." Mira said and gave Lucy a coat. She took it and put it on. "Beautiful." Mira said.

Lucy smiled. "Now, try on this green dress." Mira said and handed her this short dark green dress. "I don't like green." Lucy said. "Lucille. Put the dress on please." Mira said. Lucy took the dress and went into the back to change. Alana and Maybell came from the back. Mira looked at them and made them spin around. "Beautiful. Walk for me." Mira said. The girls walked and posed for Mira. "Lovely." Mira mumbled to herself.

"So this is a dream of yours?" Jason asked as he walked over to Mira. Mira ignored Jason. "Never mind. I need to fix that. It's too short I don't like that." Mira mumbled as she looked at Maybell's dress. "Where are the male models?" Jason asked. "I think we can do open toed shoes for that outfit well maybe not it's cold. But even I would sacrifice my comfort to make sure I looked good." Mira said. "I really love that you don't like me." Jason said with his hands in his back pocket.

"You insult me while in my own studio. So obviously I don't like you. My male models will be here later and you can leave me alone." Mira said and flipped her hair. "Calling you Blueberry isn't an insult when you are one. Don't be so sensitive beautiful." Jason said. "Very cute." Mira said. "Mi. That Ben boy is at the door." Mira's mother Aria said as she came down into Mira's studio. "Again?" Mira asked. Aria nodded. She sighed. "Just send him down here please mommy." Mira said.

After a few minutes Ben came down the stairs. Ben walked over to Mira. "Can we talk?" He asked. "I rather not. Maybell don't sit please. Could you change into the red dress and Lucille could you please come out." Mira said. Lucy sighed and came out. She was nervous. She slowly stepped out and tried not to come out too much. She only wanted Mira to see her. "Mira." Ben said. "Hush. Lucy can you come out more please. I need you to walk and pose." Mira said. Lucy nodded and walked all the way out.

"You look good princess." Dick cooed. "Beautiful." Jason said. Damian was just staring at Lucy. Tim clapped his hands. "Lookin good sis!" Tim shouted. Lucy smiled. She looked at Damian expecting him to say something but he said nothing. Lucy looked at Mira. "You look lovely but I think I might have to make it a little smaller. To fit you better." Mira said. Lucy nodded. "Put on that white dress for me. The one with the slit in the chest area." Mira said and pointed to the rack of dresses. Lucy walked over to it.

"Alana can you put on the blue pantsuit for me." Mira said. Alana nodded and went to the rack like Lucy did. "Five minutes to explain yourself." Mira said and looked at Ben. "Mira you know I like you. We would be perfect together. Why did you ghost me?" Ben asked. "I didn't ghost you I told you I couldn't do a relationship with you. I told you this. I don't see a future in us." Mira said. "How can I change your mind? I want to be with you." Ben said. Mira ran her well kept nails through her hair.

"There is no changing my mind. There is no us and there never will be. Why can't you let it go? I told you I was willing to be friends with you but still tried to peruse me." Mira said. "Because we would be perfect." Ben said. "That's what you think but that is not what I think. Ben you aren't even going to pass high school. You are getting held back. What do I look like being with someone who is getting held back?" Mira asked.

"Mira." Ben said. "No. I don't crave perfection in a relationship. We wouldn't be perfect regardless if that is what I would want." Mira said. Lucy came out in her white dress. Mira looked at her. "Oh. Look at you, just as pretty as a flower." Mira said. Lucy smiled real big. "What do you think Damian?" Dick asked. "What?" Damian asked as he looked away from Lucy to Dick. "What do you think?" Jason asked as he pointed towards Lucy. "She looks stunning but, I do prefer the green dress." Damian said.

Lucy smiled. The other girls came out. Mira squealed. "Oh you all just look so beautiful." Mira said. "Hey Blueberry when do the tickets go on sale?" Jason asked as he placed an arm around Mira. "December twenty eight at three pm." Mira said. "Thanks." Jason said. "Get your hands off of her." Ben said. "Or what?" Jason asked. "Ben leave." Mira said. "Since when do you hang out with the Wayne's anyways?" Ben asked. "Since I started to." Lucy said.

Ben looked at Lucy. "Ben just leave. You and Mira aren't going to work out." Lucy said. "Mira. Just call me if you change your mind." Ben said as he began to walk away. "She won't." Jason said. "Jason." Mira said. "It's true. You won't change your mind." Jason said with a shrug. "You don't know anything about the relationship Mira and I have." Ben said. "From what I can see it's over buddy and her own best friend doesn't even like you. Says a lot." Jason said.

"Ben seriously leave. No one invited you. Stop being a stalker." Lucy said. Ben just sighed and left. After a few more try on's and adjustments Mira was done with her female models. The boys and Lucy left. "Sooo Blueberry is really single right?" Jason asked as he pulled Lucy to the side as they walked to the car. "Yes she is." Lucy said. Jason nodded. "You have a decent chance." Lucy said. When they got back to the manor they all sat in the kitchen.

"Ah I'm glad you are all home. What would you all like for lunch?" Alfred asked. "Tacos." "Pizza." "Grilled cheese." "Salad." "A sandwich." "A salad?!" Lucy, Tim and Jason shouted. "Why can't I eat what I want?" Dick asked. "No tacos." Lucy said. "I want tacos." Tim said. "Okay but Damian and I want sandwiches." Lucy said. "No one cares I want pizza." Jason said. "But what kind of pizza?" Lucy asked. "Pepperoni." Jason said. "Can we get Hawaiian as well?" Lucy asked.

"Sure." Jason said. "Okay then I'm switching to pizza." Lucy said. "Cheese pizza." Damian said. "We can do that." Jason said. "Supreme." Tim said. "Okay everyone can get their own pizza." Jason said. "But what if I want a slice of your pizza?" Lucy asked. "Then ask." Jason said. "Okay." Lucy said.

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