Chapter Fourteen

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West Coast

Chapter Fourteen-

Cameron's POV

We arrived at the airport back home. I managed to keep Saphrin happy on the plane ride back home. I knew when we arrived back at her house she would cry, I expected it.

We walked to the baggage claim and went to the pick up area. Saphrin's sister, Sadie was picking us up. Sadie has long brown hair, green eyes, and tan skin with freckles under the eyes. Your average 21 year old.

Sadie did party a lot and drink a lot. Ever since she turned 21, I hoped that wouldn't increase after her mom died.

She hugged Saphrin and took her bags. Sadie looked sober at the moment but you could tell She had been crying. We got in the car and I text Saphrin.

To Saphrin- Do you want me to help with funeral plans

From Saphrin- No, no I should be fine unless Sadie drops out

To Saphrin- Let me know if you do

She locked her phone and looked at me and nodded.

* * * * * * * * *

The funeral started in 55 minutes. Sadie, Saphrin and I flew out to her moms hometown where she was born. We read her will and I ended up having to help Saphrin with the funeral cost and plans.

Sadie was fine and focused in the beginning of her life, until she went to a club and got high and hooked up with this guy. I had to drag her out of the club and Saphrin stayed at my house the next few nights because Sadie couldn't control her anger.

Chyna and Nash were flying out for the weekend. The part of the will that went to Saphrin was, Saphrin got $500,000 that her mom had supposedly saved over time. She got the choice to either finish college or go on in life.

Since Saphrin was 19 years old, she was old enough to live by her self with a legal license. Sadie was 21 and was expected to move out soon, Saphrin would get the house.

I felt bad for her and offered for her to stay with me. She said she could run the house if she got a job. There was know way I was letting her manage that huge house by herself.

• Saphrin's POV •

The funeral started in less than 18 minutes. The preacher would go first then Sadie would say a speech and I would go up and do a speech. Chyna could go up if she wanted to but didn't have to, Chyna was considered a close family member.

I hadn't seen my mom yet, the police took her before I had got home. Me and Cameron sat down and listened to the preacher. I didn't care about what he was saying, I blocked him out and daydreamed of me and my mom. I cried and felt Cameron grab my hand, squeezing it.

I stayed deep in my thoughts until I was interrupted.

"Saphrin Hyland, would you like to come up and speak?" The preacher said.

I nodded and made my way up. I took out my paper and and cleared my throat.

"My mom meant more than anything to me, she wasn't just my mom she was my best friend. It took me along time to realize and appreciate how much my mom did for me, how much she cared and loved me"

I suddenly got mad at the whole problem for the first time, I didn't understand why my mom deserved to die, why someone would do that. I wadded up the paper and said to myself, fuck that. I said whatever came to mind,

"She was there for me and never quit what she was doing. She got me through everything. She took care of every problem and had to face it with no fear. She survived a life of raising two kids and managed a job. She lived care free and never deserved for this to happen. I could go on about many things with this, but I shouldn't. All great things come to and end, but this end had a wrong and bad ending. She deserved a happy ever after just like everyone of you in this room. I don't think some of you realize how hard it is to loose someone like this and just walk away. She faced every problem with full force and there was never a dull memory with her. I wouldn't be here right now, saying this if it weren't for her. No one has ever loved me as much as she did until now." I was balling and yelling by this point.

"All I can say from this is I'm going to come strong and move on stronger. For whoever did this, Fuck. You. It takes something to be a mother but it takes something special to be a mom" I was balling and there were tears streaming all over my face.

I looked up and glanced across the room, nobody had any facial expressions, some people stared at the ground. I looked at Cameron, he grinned at me. He nodded and winked at me, he gave me a thumbs up. I couldn't help but laugh really quietly and smile.

I grabbed my paper and tossed it in the waste basket. I went back to sit down and I noticed someone standing by the exit. He had slicked back brown hair and in jeans, a long tie and a long sleeve shirt. He watched me the entire time, I sat down and focused on the rest if the funeral.


Hello, sorry if you thought this chapter was short. Hope you liked it! Double update! Thanks for reading, ily all! -C xo

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