Chapter Fifty-Seven

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West Coast

Chapter Fifty Seven-

Cameron's POV

~ One Week Later ~

I haven't been eating, yet barely talking. After I went home that night I called Nash and he immediately flew out here. I remember calling Nash that night and I could here the phone drop followed by glass breaking and sobbing. Nash has been with me the whole time.

Fortunately my mom has a business break. I told her also that night and ever since some nights I would hear faint crying coming from her bed room.

Again on a serious note. I haven't been eating, yet barley been talking. Me and Nash have been in my room, in the dark, and haven't cheeked our phones in a week. Ever since that happened we haven't left this spot. Sitting in the dark, doing absolutely nothing but sit there. We held in our pee, and only ate when my mom forced us too.

Today we were going to visit Saphrin. I hardly visit her, the hospital said they would call us if she woke up. I know it sounds stupid to not visit my girlfriend that's in a coma everyday, but I thought to not waste my time. Although I haven't dodged that idea because I sit in my room everyday doing nothing.

Also, I've stayed in because if I see Saphrin the way she is every time I do see her. Which is hooked up monitors and machines everywhere, I would ball and sob right there. I have a hard time seeing Saphrin the way she is knowing she's in pain and I can't see her alive. It's like she's dead, I just visit her restless, life drained body every week for the fun of it. Any other reason why it's pointless to visit her.

I haven't stopped crying. Even when I'm just sitting on my bed starring at the wall, I burst out crying. Nash helps me when it gets really bad. I just can't stop myself, my mind gets tangled up in thoughts and won't stop.

My mom knocks on my door lightly and enters knowing I won't say anything. I don't look up, she takes my hand and helps me up. Add up, all the times I've cried.. Has become very unhealthy for me.

My body is really weak and I've lost a lot of weight. I'm now underweight for my age and I've lost a huge amount of muscle and water.

My mom helps me down the stairs and out to the car. She opens the door and goes back inside for Nash. He's the same, just not as unhealthy.

After a few minutes of starring at the garage door in front of me, Nash enters the back seat.

"Honey put on your seat belt please." My mom says before leaving.

I just sit there starring out the front of the car. She glares at me and puts the car in park until I buckle myself in.

"Why can't I just die already?" I mumble.


"Because most people that are in a coma for longer than a week mom end up dying!" I whisper louder.

"You don't know that."

"I'm sure a doctor wouldn't just tell me that now would they mom?" I spit back.

"Okay." She says quietly.

She reaches behind me and pulls down the seat belt. The clicks it in and pulls out the driveway.

I close my eyes and rest my head against the head rest.



"Cam, we're here." Nash solemnly whispers.

I nod and unbuckle myself. I step out of the car and Nash wraps his arm around my waist to help support me. We slowly make our way to the doors.

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