Chapter Fifty-Five

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West Coast

Chapter Fifty-Five

Cameron's POV

I sat on the couch and went on my phone while I waited for Saphrin. I went on Twitter and tweeted.

@CameronDallas: So glad to be home

I watched my phone blow up and favorited some tweets. I turned on the t.v and watched Fifa to kill time, it normally takes Saphrin 10 minutes or shorter.



I ran downstairs and grabbed my phone off the kitchen island. I went to my contacts and scrolled down to Saphrin's contact.

I called her constantly, this time was my 6th time calling her. She didn't pick up any calls, I was freaking out.

"SAPHRIN PICK UP THE PHONE!" I yelled to myself. My voice echoed through the empty house.

The line went dead and it started to her voicemail. I clicked end and threw my phone back on the island.

I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath. I finally got enough guts to go over and see what's going on.

I flung my door open, I picked up my phone and ran across the street. Tears pricked my eyes but I kept them controlled.

I knocked on her door but I knew she wouldn't answer if she didn't answer my calls. I jiggled the door knob and it clicked open.

I burst through the door and went straight to the living room. I rushed everywhere, trying to find her.

"SAPHRIN! WHERE ARE YOU!" I screamed as loud as I could.

No response.

"S-SAPHRIN! PLEASE!" Tears filled my eyes to where I was now crying. Water flooded out of my eyes like a stream.

"SAPHRIN!" I kept calling her name as I made my way to the stairway. I ran upstairs and bolted through her door.

"SAPHRIN?" I asked with fear in my voice as a question.

I looked in her bathroom, her moms bedroom, and Sadie's bedroom. I moved to the laundry room and down to the dining room. She was no where.

I was sobbing while trying to find my way around the house with blurry vision. I ran to the door that led to the basement.

I grabbed the handle when I noticed something in the kitchen that seemed out of order. Out of the corner of my eye, I slowly looked over into to the kitchen.

"S-Saphrin?" I quivered.

I realized it was her, covered in blood and bruises. A puddle of blood filled next to her, and open wounds everywhere.

My vision was too blurry for me to make my way to her. I sat down and leaned myself against the island. I sobbed and balled, just sitting there.

I cleared my vision a little and crawled over to her beautiful, lifeless body. I stroked her long silky hair and listened over my faint sobbing for a breath or heart beat. Nothing was heard.

"H-how could someone do this?!" I whispered into her neck beginning to cry again.

I rested her head on my lap and I pulled out my phone. I fumbled with it in my hands and made my way to the keypad.

I quickly dialed an ambulance and waited. I million thoughts ran through my head. Every single one made me weaker.

'Who did this?'

'Why would they do this?'

'When did they do this?'

'Will she ever wake up?'

'Whats wrong with her?'

'Will she be okay?'

'This can't be happening.'

'Where did the other person go?'

'Will she die?'

'She doesn't deserve this.'

'I would trade places if I could.'

'Why can't I think straight.'

'This is too much right now.'

'She needs to wake up. I have to see the most caring, smartest, funny, sweetest, and most gorgeous girl I've ever had to call mine..'

My thoughts kept flowing but they were interrupted by a man pulling Saphrin out of my arms. I was guessing because I could barely see through my fuzzy vision.

I tightened a grip on Saphrin because I got a sudden bolt of loneliness. I didn't let her out of my arms because the thought of her not being in my arms killed me inside.

"Sir, we need to get her to the hospital quickly." He said tugging on Saphrin. Other people gathered around quickly making me less powerful.

I was to lifeless from crying to much that the medical people won. They lifted her up and onto the stretcher next to me. I shook my head and closed my eyes tightly.

"No no no," I cried harder.

"P-please don't take h-her away from me." I managed to say between sobs.

I sat there against the island with my head laid on it. I closed my eyes and all the loose tears fell. Someone knelt down beside me and shook my leg fast. I forced my eyes open slowly.

"Sir, we need to ask you some questions." A medical lady asked quick.

I nodded and she took my hand while helping me stand up. I followed behind her slowly to the ambulance and I glanced inside. I saw Saphrin being surrounded by people and hands moving across her body in every direction. I teared up but made myself look away before I lost myself again.

I got in the ambulance and sat down next to her. I grabbed her open hand and squeezed it tightly. Her hands were freezing cold and lifeless. A shade of light purple and blue covered her fingertips. They closed the doors and started the car.

All the way to the hospital felt like forever. I just sat there and starred at the motionless beauty that laid among me. I didn't focus on anybody, I didn't speak, I just was a frozen body in a frozen world not believing what's going on because every thing moved to fast while starring at the love of my life half dead. What am I going to do..


Hey friends, YAS. An update. Okay lol anyways. I hope you like his chapter, things will get really good and I have some amazing ideas.

Thanks so so much for 17.8k reads! It means the world! I love you all! Byee

- C xo.


New Goal= 18.8k reads


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