Chapter Fifty-Nine

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West Coast

Chapter Fifty-Nine

Saphrin's POV


I jolted awake to what sounded like a heart monitor. I turned to my left and saw many machines and chords hooked up to me and my arms. I turned to look around at my surroundings, a white room with not many things in here, but something catches my eye.

In a chair sitting right in font of me, was a young teenage boy with brown fluffy hair with highlights that seemed to be sleeping. I furrowed my eye brows and sat up straighter. I rubbed my forehead but focused on him.

"Um, hello?" I whispered.

No response.

"HEY, YOU!" I shouted lightly.

No answer.

I sighed and uncovered myself from the sheets that laid on top of me connected to the bed. I swerved my feet over to the side so they dangled down over the side of the bed. I pushed myself off the bed and planted my feet on the cold floor. I shivered at the feeling but regained focus.

I lifted my foot to take a step, while noticing my balance was uneven. I spread my arms out to keep me from falling because I knew the sleeping boy would wake. I made my way over to the chair he was sleeping in.

I laid a finger on his shoulder and shook it a little. When he didn't even move I began shaking it harder. I saw his eyes flicker open quickly reveling the most piercing and brightest blue eyes I'd even seen. A smile formed on my lips as I watched him wake up quickly.

"Hey, do know where I am?" I asked.

He didn't look my way, but he did bolt up out of his seat as he sprinted to the bed where I had previously came from.

"HEY!" I ran after him.

He sat down and grabbed the girls hand, when I realized what was going on. I slowly turned to face the bed, and saw a young beautiful girl shaking rapidly in the bed. The heart monitor gained speed and more fluid was pushed into her arms.

Nurses and doctors came rushing in, tripping over each other. I stepped back and glanced at the boy who was once asleep. Tears strolled down his eyes like it was a waterfall overflowing. The sight made me want to cry, it was like the saddest movie ever, happening in front of me. I was confused but it was sad. I shook my head and continued to back away.

Nurses doing everything they can to calm down the girl. She was having a major seizure, and I didn't know what to do. She was moving and shaking in pain. The boy gripping her hand and kissing it repetitively faced me, tears falling down the same path every time.

He opened his mouth and yelled something at me, he looked and spoke to me with anger in his face and mainly his eyes. A little twinkle gleamed in his eye, like a star. I knew he was yelling at me, although what confused me most, was that I couldn't hear him.

He continued to scream things, and I was now sobbing, thinking this was all my fault. I glanced over at the girl, noticing her condition was worse. I finally turned and ran to the door way, I was so confused and I still didn't know where I was. I took one last look at the boy and he was now crying into her hand. His head fell and he starred at his feet, as I watched the tears fall straight from his eyes to the ground. Every tear that fell caught a glimpse of the sun shinning through the window. Making a little rainbow appear inside the tear.

I snapped around and jogged down the hallway, my vision became blurry as I tried to wipe my tears. I cleared them up and focused on the tile. My feet hitting the hard and rough tile slowed me down but I kept running. With out paying attention to my surroundings I saw a doctor appear out of another room and started running towards my direction. It didn't even take one blink for him to be standing right in front of me, by the time I tried to doge him he ran past me. But what I thought he did was bump into me.

"SORRY, SORRY, IM SO SORRY!" I called after him, apologizing for the collision.

To my mind, he kept running like he didn't even see me. I was now confused and scared, I didn't know what was going on. To sum it up, it was like everyone was ignoring me.. Or like I didn't even exist. I reached the end of the hallway where it came to a dead end, except for a room. I jiggled the door nob and I forced it open. I quickly glared around the room and noticed two young figures laying on the bed.

I scrunched up my eye brows and squinted because I knew I was loosing my mind. I slowly approached the teens and sat down in a chair next to them. I never payed attention to who they are, but what they were doing.

The two where making out roughly, becoming more sexually involved. The boy underneath the girl slipped his shirt off, reveling defined hard abs. He tossed his shirt to the side and it landed on the floor. His California tan skin topped it off, when the girl started planting little love kisses trailing from his luscious soft lips to his chest, crossing his six pack, and finishing at his toned sexy V-line.

I looked down at my feet and tried to calm myself down, as I noticed tears filling my eyes again. I wiped them away quickly and glanced at the couple again. I felt as though this was wrong, weird and familiar all at the same time. Watching this couple, made me have a weird tingle in my stomach.

I stood up fast and flung the door open. I looked back over my shoulder and smirked at myself, knowing what they were going to do next. I watched them but snapped myself out of it.

I exited the room and ran back down the same hallway. I passed the room I originally came from, I slowed down to acknowledge what was still happening. Still the same thing, although someone new had appeared. A young, even all to familiar teen boy appeared next to the still shaking girl.

The blue eyed boy stepped back and turned away, covering his face trying to stop the tears. The other brown haired, tan boy took his place. His emotions and actions were worse though.

He took his broad hands and rested them on her shoulders, shaking them a little. To my notion, he was trying to wake her as well. Salty water flowed down my face again following the same paths as earlier.

I forced myself around and sprinted out of the room, I continued down the hall. The thought of who that couple was in the other room... Still pondered my mind.

'They looked too familiar?'

'I know that couple!'

Where the thoughts that ran through my mind. I stopped myself in my tracks and headed back to the room at the end of the hallway.

I burst threw the door and saw the same couple. They were now calmed down and laying together on the bed with the medical sheets pulled over them. I smiled at the heart warming sight but focused on what I was doing.

I sat down and starred at them as I tried to figure out who it was when it hit me way to fast. I took in a breath to my surprise and gasped. Some how I felt many things, confused, scared, happy and sad, but mainly I was taken aback at the sweet memory when I realized who this was. But agin I was scared and confused...


Because this couple, it was me and Cameron..


hi, I'm so sorry I haven't updated and there's nothing I can do to make it up to you guys besides update and I feel so sad. I'm so sorry, school started and it's already a bitch.

I'm trying to make time, hang in there. if you really want me to update, just comment and tell me because then I'll update for y'all. just that easy.

enjoy and again I'm so sorry. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH, THANKS FOR 27.4k READS!!! It means the world. thanks for reading, ttyl -C xo

New Goal= 30k reads

[ 9/6/2014 ]

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