Chapter Twenty-Five

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Saphrin's POV

Why the fuck did I tell him that? I'm so stupid. Now he's going to mad at Nash. I looked in every direction, and saw Cameron running.

Or I think it was Cameron, he was running towards the hotel.

"Cameron!" I screamed, he kept running.

I ran faster and faster, trying to stay balanced and catch up with him. My feet finally gave up and my ankle twisted. I heard a popping sound and my eyes went wide.

A shooting pain went straight through my ankle. I couldn't see cameron anymore. I flashed my phone on my ankle and looked at it.

Bruising and swelling already, I tried to get up but it hurt so much. I decided to call Chyna,

"Hello?" She answered.

"Chyna," I cried.

"Saphrin? Is everything okay?"


"Is everything okay with you and Cameron?"

"No, but thats not the point. Where are you?"

"I'm outside of Nike outlet, where are you?"

"I'm outside of the Volcom store"

"I'm on my way" she hung up.

I waited and checked the time, 7:45 pm. I wiped away a tear, I looked at my ankle, studying it more.

I saw a figure running towards me, I flashed my light on it and it was Chyna.

"Holy shit! Saphrin, are you okay?"

She bent down next to me and looked at my foot.

"It hurts,"

"Come on, now" She pulled me up and I got on her back.

She walked and took me to a taxi.

"Nearest hospital, please"

The driver nodded and heaed north.

"Did you see Cameron?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Him and Nash are telling eachother..."

I put my face in my hands.


When we got to the hospital, I was put in a wheel chair. We went to go get my foot examined..

Cameron's POV


Chyna ran out, probably to go find Saphrin. Right now, I didn't care.

"What bro?"


His face went pale.

"I'm sorry"


I ran out of the room, and walked to the beach. Fuck all of them.

Saphrin's POV

My ankle is sprained, which really isn't that bad. I have to be on crutches for a week, and then I have to start walking again.

I wasn't looking forward to going back to the hotel..

* *

I walked in the hotel room and saw Nash and Cameron facing away from eachother.

"OH MY GOD SAPHRIN WHAT HAPPENED?" Nash asked running over to me.

"I ran after a guy, and I kinda fell"

Cameron rolled his eyes and turned away from me.

I hopped over to the bed Cameron was on.

I plopped on it, trying to avoid hitting my foot.

"Cameron, it was one kiss"

"Leave me alone" he mumbled.

"It's kind of hard, when we're in a small room"


I just sat there, watching him walk out the door. I looked down at my hands and just let my self cry.

"I'll go talk to him" Nash said.

Chyna got up and walked over to me.

"Do you wanna leave tomorrow?"

I nodded.

"Okay, I'll call and change our flights for tomorrow"

"I just wanna be home with my crappy ass sister, and you. Chyna, I really do."

She nodded. I got a text from Nash.

From Nash: Cameron is pissed at me.

To Nash: Where is he?

From Nash: At the beach.

To Nash: I can't move. I'm leaving tomorrow. With Chyna.

From Nash: What why?

To Nash: I know we just got here but if he's mad, he'll just ruin the entire trip. I can't be another day when he's mad at me.We leave early.

From Nash: Please stay.

To Nash: Nash I've already cause enough problems.

From Nash: No.

To Nash: Nash, you and Cameron are bro's. You both need to resolve this issue.

I ignored any other text from Nash and Chyna got our flights switched.

"We leave tomorrow at 6:45 AM to Los Angles, California."

I smiled.

"Can't wait."

Nash and Cameron didn't come back to the room, so Chyna cuddled next to me. We turned on a movie. I cuddled next to my warm, best friend. Who was helping me feel better.

"Thank you Chyna"

"Anything, I love you Saphrin. You're always there for me. You're the best friend I've always wanted".

"I love you too Chyna"

I wiped my tears and fell asleep on her shoulder.

I'm such a fucking idiot.


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