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Just a reminder of all the sides:

Logan: Logical

Roman: Fanciful/Creativity

Virgil: Anxiety

Patton: Morality


"Oh, oh! Is that him? Is that the one?" Patton jumped up excitedly and tapped Thomas on the shoulder with a squeal.

Thomas mentally responded to the giddy trait, "Yes, now be quiet." Though, he couldn't stifle a bit of joy himself, as his hand waved happily at the boy who walked by, sighing contently as they waved back.

"You must say something, Thomas, if you don't say anything they'll obviously think that you're merely an acquaintance." Logan suggested on Thomas' other side.

Thomas opened his mouth to say something and felt a pat on his back, causing him to stutter out his words. Rather than saying Hey! It came out as a string of high pitched mumbles. The other boy simply smiled awkwardly and continued on past Thomas.

Logan face-palmed with a groan, "What was tha-" He turned around with a growl, "Virgil what were you thinking!?" He folded his arms when he saw the trait of anxiety remove his hand from where he had slapped Thomas.

"What? Who isn't nervous around their crush?" Virgil shrugged.

"That doesn't give you the right to go around messing things up." Logan huffed.

"Logan has a point." Roman sighed.

"Watch it Hans."

Roman sniffed indignantly, "I will not be compared to that- that murderer!"

"Hey now!" Patton rubbed Roman's back reassuringly, "He only attempted to kill Anna and Elsa, right?"

Roman grumbled to himself, "Yeah..."

"See! I'm in with what the kids like these days!" Patton grinned, elbowing Logan on the arm.

"Oh my god, Frozen died a year ago." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Now, son, don't be so negative." Patton chuckled.

"It's his job." Logan glared.

"Guys, come on." Thomas frowned, "Get along at least until we get home?"

"Whatever, I'm going to my room." Virgil stuck out his tongue at Logan a final time before vanishing, reappearing a few seconds later in the gloomier version of Thomas' room. He looked around and scowled at it all. Virgil would never admit it, but sometimes he wished that just a little bit of light could be brought into such a dark place; but that was as if saying that one could actually enjoy the throbbing feeling of anxiety and actually want it there.


The next day wasn't all that different, and why would it be anyway?
Virgil, of course, was kept busy in the background; Patton was keeping him company as per-usual as Logan was working with Thomas on obvious logical approaches to winning the heart of another.

Virgil was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a fit of grumbling approaching. He looked up to see Roman approaching with angry stomps. Virgil grinned, "What's wrong, Princey? Logan got your shoulder pads in a bunch?"

Roman shot a heated glare to Virgil before complaining, "He says Thomas should stop listening to the nonsense that I keep spitting at him!" Roman threw his hands up and started pacing, "As if he's even helping!" He remarked, "All Logan is doing is giving Thomas mindless remarks about posture and pheromones!- He's not even thinking about the romantic part of it all and how..."

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