I don't know: Part 1

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Hey y'all! I know I don't make it very clear, but essentially-
Any ignorance that the character may have about asexuality is written on purpose!
I know the difference between asexual and aromatic, don't worry! They're supposed to be written as freshmen in High School for this chapter so they're essentially lil fluff wads of ignorance! Also please ignore how I wrote Ray as like your standard Disney bully that comes in for three seconds just to move the plot along and then never comes back

TW: Bullying; Offensive;
[I want to start with- I know this will be a two-parter, before I even write this I know.
However, another thing I want to say is there's going to be some stuff in this chapter that I want to initially address.
I am in no way trying to offend anyone who is asexual and do not support any beliefs, actions, and or disclosure that the antagonist may have in this chapter, this is simply going to address a few things that Virgil is going through in this chapter that may actually have happened to people and I am so sorry if it did, but I figured I should put this warning here now. Thank you.]

[For starters, this is an AU where there are multiple different aspects and all have their own unique looks and personalities but they majorly have one core emotion, example being Virgil, he's a quiet, short boy with freckles, and while he would love to be able to help people his core emotion is anxiety so he feels anxious most of the time- okay here we go]


It was around spring, an annual season for change and for speculation. Flower buds were blossoming into beautiful petals, wild-life was flourishing, Love could be seen in every corner of the campus, and high school was hell.

But wasn't it always?

Personally, that seemed to be the case for Virgil. Another day, another migraine, so it seemed. Despite this, he hadn't really a choice in the matter, seeing as he didn't have the guts to skip school. He had tried before, even for simply skip a single class; but the thought of a teacher calling him out on being truant in front of the whole class was enough of a mental threat to stop him dead in his tracks before he could merely take so much as one simple step off campus. Now, as for spring.

With spring, came life and love. Life, yeah sure, wonderful thing right there sometimes, sometimes not. But love, Love was what absolutely sucked for Virgil, this year especially.

In prior years, Virgil was fine when the Spring Formal rolled around, he could simply hang out with Patton, Logan, and Roman. However, in the last couple of months, Patton and Logan had discovered a particular close bond with each other, and the next thing Virgil knew was that the two were coming out and coming out as a couple at that. Not only did this leave Virgil and Roman in the dust when it came to relationships, but it also left them with the lingering subject of sexualities.

It was a subject that Virgil wasn't particularly fond of. He never likes to discuss love in general, but when it came to sexualities, he became absolutely frozen. He didn't know what to say or how to feel. He didn't really...know how to feel at the moment.

Had Virgil had crushes? Of course. Had these crushes been valid after consideration? Of course not.

Well, that wasn't completely true. Virgil was sure he liked someone...he simply...didn't know who. He had to like someone-right? He had to...

However, every year, every year when the Spring Formal would come by, Virgil just...he couldn't do anything. He never asked anyone and no one ever asked him. That was the way it was, it just was and it always would be.

So, it was absolutely no surprise to Virgil when the day of the dance was the next day and he still had no date. He didn't know how to feel about this, however, seeing as he had never been faced with these feelings head on.

Virgil was lost in his whirling amount of emotions at the moment, so much so that he hadn't noticed the on coming crew. Too late.

Virgil felt himself bump into someone and looked up in dread to see Ray.

Ray, your typical high school bully; tall, popular in the prodigies of body-building, and his core emotion being Fury. Having said this, he had a short temper.

Ray squinted before glaring down at Virgil, "The hell was that for?"

Virgil panicked and froze, his mouth moving but no words coming out.

Ray rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Well, you obviously seem to have the core emotion of Pity so it seems."

Virgil wanted to snap back with a witty remark, but his anxiousness kept his feet glued to the ground.

"Lighten up, I'm kidding- I know you, you're...Virgin wasn't it?" Ray smirked threateningly.

"It's...Virg...il..." Virgil mumbled, studying his feet.

"Ah! The anxious ace himself!" Ray smirked.

"A-ace?" Virgil furrowed his brow in confusion. Wasn't ace meaning for someone to thrive at something?

"Look at you!" Ray growled, poking a finger on Virgil's shoulder for emphasis, "You've always got your hands in your pockets, you hardly ever look up, I mean- when was the last time you even smiled at someone?"

Virgil shrugged with a mumble, "I dunno'..."

"I-I dunno'!" Ray mocked in a wimpish voice, "Let me guess, you haven't gotten asked to the formal, ace?"

Virgil didn't reply.

"Obviously." Ray rolled his eyes, "They've accepted you ace, how about you do to, huh? Or have you?"

"You're not...making sense..." Virgil managed to mutter out.

"Oh my lord, you don't get it do you?" Ray cackled.

Virgil paused before shaking his head slowly.

"You're an asexual piece of shit, right? Isn't that right? Oh, but did you not know that? It seems pretty obvious to me!" Ray's voice raised.

Ray would always find a way to get under anyone's skin. It was as if he knew everyone's weakness and decided to punch it, hard. He was always looking for a fight, but Virgil wasn't giving it to him, Virgil couldn't.

Virgil simply began to crumble from the inside out, tears began to well up at the corner of his eyes and he shook his head firmly, ducking around Ray and dashing past him as quickly as his feet would carry him. Though he couldn't out run his own mind, his own thoughts, his own confusion that screamed in his mind, he hardly had noticed that the bell had rung far before he had run into Ray, but his destination was far from his classroom.

Instead, he skipped school.

[Part 2 coming soon!]

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