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[Just a quick blip inspired by me being sick at the moment]
[Actually never mind I'm going to try to make this 1000 words]

"He hasn't come out of his room yet?" Patton frowned, looking up from where he sat on the living-room's carpet-floor.

"Not from what I can tell." Roman shrugged.

"Did you upset him...again?" Logan looked up from his book.

"Wh- how accusatory Of thee!" Roman spat, though mentally running through any sort of thing that he may have said that could have potentially hurt Virgil, but found nothing in particular.

"I'm simply saying that it's a recurring pattern." Logan murmured before looking down at his book.

"Well, have you tried knocking on his door?" Patton suggested.

"Patton! What do you take me as? Some idiot?" Roman scoffed.

"...So you knocked?" Patton repeated.

"...No." Roman mumbled.

"Well, how about you go try and do that, kiddo and report back on what's the haps." Patton nodded.

Roman groaned, "Why am I always the one to fetch him?"

Logan snrked, "You're essentially his boyfriend?"

"Logan!" Patton stage-whispered as Roman's face lit up bright red, though he ducked down despite this.

Roman sighed as he appeared in front of Virgil's door, lifting a hand to knock before stopping, "Before you tell me to go away, know that Patton will probably be next to come if you don't let me in."

There was silence.

"Possibly Logan." Roman added.

There was a click as the door unlocked.

Roman smirked triumphantly before turning the knob of the door to enter the room. He half expected an anxiety-attack, but instead found a pile of blankets on Virgil's bed. Roman blinked in confusion and approached the lump, stopping at the edge of the bed for a moment before jabbing at the lump.

The lump let out a hiss and moved a bit, causing Roman to flinch slightly before a small smile crossed his face and he knelt down onto both his knees, "I suppose this is you then, Virgil?"

There was a pause before the lump of blankets wriggled in response.

"Are you going to come out anytime soon?"

There was a faint, weak hissing noise.

"Alright...well, you mustn't stay a blanket-burrito all day." Roman chuckled.

There was a muffled sigh from inside the layers of blankets.

"Why do you have so many blankets- and why are they all purple? I mean- I hardly recall these many blankets even being owned..." Roman frowned in curiosity and suspicion.

Mumbling came from the pile of blankets.

"Virgil, dear, I can't hear you when you're under a thousand blankets."

The mumbling became louder but still couldn't be made out.

Roman sighed, "Fine then." He grabbed the top hem of the blankets, which were nearly as thick as both his hands, and pulled back.

"nO." Virgil shrieked and tried to pull the blankets back, only managing to pull them up to his chin.

Roman's face instantly lit up, "You're not wearing and eye-shadow- or foundation!" He let out a small squeak of gratitude, "And your nose is red!" He paused before frowning, "You're sick, aren't you?"

Virgil withdrew a hand to wipe over his noise, "Yup." His voice came out nasally and sniffly, further increasing Roman's cooing.

"You sound- and look- like Rudolph- Virgil the red-nosed aspect!" Roman gasped.

"And Roman The noses nosed aspect!" Virgil added with a sarcastic gasp.

"Of course, you can still be sarcastic even when you're half dead." Roman rolled his eyes with a huff.

"But of course, mom." Virgil smirked.

"Mothers are amazi-"

Virgil let out a high-pitched sneeze that put a kitten squeak to shame.

There was silence for a few moments before Roman squealed.

"I want- that as- my ringtone." Roman gasped.

"Record me and you're dead, prince." Virgil growled before sneezing once more, and he soon found himself in a bout of sneezes, much to Roman's delight. When Virgil finally stopped, he was panting for breath.

"I honestly could cry at how adorable you are right now." Roman grinned.

"I almost could- oh wait, I am, from fucking sneezing five-billion times." Virgil growled.

"Language!" Roman crossed his arms, standing up.

"Pardon me if I'm not all sunshine's and rainbows, when I'm sick." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"When have you ever been sunshine's and- well, the second part I can see, but-" Roman shook his head, "You could at the very least stay quiet if not nice."

"I have no reason to be nice right now, so thanks for the suggestion...but no thanks." Virgil scooted over to the other half of the bed and began to pull the blanket over his head.

"Oh, so I can just leave then?" Roman took a step towards the door slowly.

There was no movement for a few moments as Roman stayed put.

Then a hand slithered out from under the blankets and held out for Roman, "Damn it Princey, you and your damn pining."

"Again- langu- Hey, I was not pining for you!" Roman glared.

"Why'd you grab my hand then?" Virgil poked his face out from the blankets.

Roman glanced down at their now intertwined fingers with a furious blush and sat down with a grunt, "I'm not the one who easily slipped his fingers in between mine, now am I?"

"Aw, you sound flustered." Virgil coughed out.

"Cover!" Roman turned his head away from the cough.

Virgil leaned forward and coughed directly in Roman's face.

Roman's eyes widened and he gave Virgil a look that could kill, "Virgil...Sanders..."

Virgil began to regret the cough.

"Look...what you've done..." Roman's voice came out slow and threateningly.


Roman let out a dramatic groan as he began to lay down beside the other aspect, "Now I have to lay down so I won't get sick! And now I have no excuse to leave because I'll get sick! And thanks to you we'll have to share those!" Roman wriggled under the blankets, "And look what you've done, now we're very close and I would Now very much appreciate kissing every single one of your facial freckles!" Roman huffed out with a continued glare.

Virgil gave a wide grin as he caught on to Roman's words, giving a short shrug, "I guess that's the cost of being sick."

Roman couldn't help but give a small smile as he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Virgil's cold nose.

Virgil let out a small sneeze of satisfaction.

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