You've been fooled

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[Spoilers for Shine and Be Mine series]
Where you S&BM kids at—


There came a groan.


The ground grew louder.


"Jesus Christ, Lea, you're going to give me a heart-attack!" Tom hissed, rolling over on his back to look at his partner.

It wasn't much of a roll, more of a shuffle, considering they were sharing a twin-sized bed.

"Oh please, you have one every time you look at me." Lea rolled his eyes.

"What's getting you so excited?" Tom growled.

"Nothing, just can't sleep and don't want to be the only one not sleeping." Lea shrugged.

Tom rolled his eyes before moving to lay on his back, "You are an absolute idiot."

"Rude." Lea scoffed.

"I told you not to drink Starbucks before sleep, but what did you do?"

"Drank it, obviously?"

"Go to sleep! I'm tired!" Tom threw his hands up in the air.

"Meh, not exactly appealing ATM, but I'll get back to you on that in the morning." Lea hummed.

Tom slammed his hands over his face and dragged them down until they were at his sides, "Well I'm going back to sleep."

"Hey," Lea whispered.

"If you finish that sentence with a fucking Hamilton quote I will strangle you." Tom hissed.

"Best Of wives and best of women."

Tom popped off his pillow and swung his body weight over Lea, pinning the other down with a glare, "I. Need. Sleep. I love you, but-"

"Love you too." Lea interrupted cheekily.

"I-" Tom began to protest before simply removing his arms from the bed, the only things keeping him up, causing him to flop on top of the other.

Lea yelped and gasped as the air was halfway knocked out of his lungs. He sputtered a bit before catching it and poking Tom in the side, "Bitch!" He wheezed.

"Takes of to know one!" Tom sung.

Lea rolled his eyes, looking at his significant other happily strewn atop him, "What are you even trying to accomplish?"

"Well, comforters and blankets always helped me sleep as a child, so I'm being a blanket, clearly." Tom rolled his eyes as if this was obvious, "Plus we share a bed that's hardly large enough for one of us-"

"If we did it in a prison cell we can make it work in a dingy New York apartment." Lea shrugged, "And it won't work anyway, when I decide I can't sleep- I can't sleep." He declared.

"We'll see." Tom yawned before snuggling up closer to the boy he laid on, resting his head on his chest and strewing his arms lazily around his neck.

Lea smirked in amusement at this, "You're a dork, Thomas."

"Your dork, might I remind you- hold me?" Tom pouted like a child.

"Needy much?" Lea remarked, but wrapped his around the other boy's torso regardless.

Tom visibility grinned at this.

Lea looked away with a red face.

Tom then began to quietly hum a sweet melody that Lea couldn't exactly recognize, though it sounded vaguely familiar.

It was a soothing Lullaby that he was sure he'd heard or sung to someone at some point- but he couldn't remember who...

Tom quietly began to sing the song, one he'd sung to his sister before he'd been forced to drop contact with her. It forced a lump into his throat, but was also refreshing to hear from his own lips.
He was also aware what an absolute sucker Lea was for his voice.

And it was true, Lea found himself softening and relaxing at the sound of his partner's melodic tone. His eyes began to flutter close, causing him to stubbornly keep them open.

Tom used the hand closest to Lea's head to begin to run it through the other's hair, brushing through it in a consistent pattern until Lea's eyes fluttered shut and he let out a content sigh.

Tom continued to sing until the boy beneath him fell into an average bout of sleep.
The scarred boy then moved his hand to caress Lea's cheek, studying his features that were a parallel to his own. He sighed quietly to himself, "Even if you had my scars, I would still find you I became so lucky, I'll never know."
Tom closed his eyes and pressed impossibly closer to Lea before he himself drifted off into sleep.
And despite any circumstances of their current life, it was a good one.

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