Creepy Cookie

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[It's almost spooky day ;)]
[Sorry for not being on top of updates "^^ I've been focusing on 'Shine and Be Mine' but figured I should update this too, once I finished 'Shine and Be Mine' then I'll get back to regularly updating this!]


"I'll say please."

"You wouldn't."

"I so would."

"You wouldn't."


Roman threw his hands up in the air helplessly, "Fine, we can go in the haunted house."

"Yay." Virgil smirked happily.

"But- I thought you didn't like scary things?" Roman frowned as they approached the front of the house.

"I love scary things, except for scary movies, the soundtrack makes it really...unsettling." Virgil shuttered.

"Whatever, you have to go to Disneyland with me next time I ask though." Roman nodded.

"Duh? Who wouldn't want to go Disneyland?" Virgil scoffed.

"And get Minnie mouse ears- I'll get the Mickie mouse ones!" Roman was now beaming with joy.

"Uhg...fine. But, that means we get to explore every room, alright?" Virgil stopped once they reached the short line at the entrance, pulling out two dollars for entry. One dollar for him, and one dollar for Roman.

"Deal, but only if you don't cling to me the entire time, alright?" Roman chuckled.

"As if." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"You're holding my hand right now." Roman pointed out.

"You want me to stop?"


"Welcome one, welcome all! Welcome ghosts, welcome souls, to the annual fright festival! Here in this house you may just find your wildest dreams...or encounter your wildest nightmares." The man, also money-collector, at the door called out.

"Straight men pretending to be gay?" Roman murmured to Virgil, earning a loud, short laugh from the other and feeling successful.

"We are not responsible to any harm done beyond this door..." The door-man finished in an airy tone.

" are? It's your property and you haven't a contrac-"

"Roman, let it be." Virgil elbowed the royal lightly, "Stop pulling a Logan."

"Oh god, you're right." Roman stuck out his tongue before entering the house with Virgil, "Where to first, my Creepy-Cookie?"

Virgil always felt his heart leap up at that name, and he had yet to figure out if that was a good or bad thing. He simply shrugged, "You choose, there are five doors. Wanna' start with the first?"

"You lead the way." Roman offered, letting go of the other's hand to allow him to enter first.

"Of course, M'lady." Virgil grinned with sarcasm as they walked into the room.

Roman followed quickly after and stopped beside the darker-aspect once fully in the room.

"Welcome, Welcome...I've been expecting you...come, come, sit..." An older woman beckoned the two forward, waving her hands around a crystal-ball- obviously made out of cheap glass and LED lights.

"You...shall I take your fortune?" The lady pointed a fragile finger at Roman.

Roman blinked a few times before shrugging with a hit of excitement, "Alright."

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