Holiday Special

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[Some potential spoilers for Shine and Be Mine]

[Pretty long chapter, extra t h i c c]

"No. I don't know who this guy is but we're not letting him in, Roman." Virgil folded his arms as he looked at the Tom who shivered at the door knocking.

"Well, we can't be cold-hearted on Christmas!" Roman grinned.

"What if he doesn't celebrate Christmas?" Virgil suggested with a smirk.

"Stop being a negative Nancy." Roman rolled his eyes.

"Meh." Virgil shrank down, "He gives me the creeps..."

"Oh, come now, let him in." Roman sighed.

"Later- ROMAN-" Virgil hissed as Roman opened the door.

"Welcome-! oh- oh shit." Roman bit his lip.

Virgil shuffled over to his side, something sparking in his eyes before he scowled, "Tom.."

"Y-you two live together?" Tom cocked his head as he stumbled in.

"No and yes." Virgil looked down at Tom.

Roman bent, "This is a crossover episode you idiot, none of it is canon."

"...Wh-what?" Tom looked utterly confused, "Did- did you just call me an idiot?"

"Yes, but don't worry, you won't remember any of this and neither will we, like Ro said, it's not canon." Virgil smirked.

"Mm so we have the consciousness of both ourselves and us in Tom's universe?" Roman inquired.

"Yuck, stop filling in for Logan." Virgil sighed.

"I'm so confused." Tom frowned.


"Virgil, be nice." Roman sighed.

Virgil growled but kept quiet.

"What's- what's going on?" Tom shuffled around before heading over to sit on a chair.

"We're answering questions, breaking the fourth wall edition." Virgil shrugged simply.

"Won't that...bother your viewers?" Tom glanced at the set up camera.

"Yes, but it's the holidays." Roman grinned, "And the author is spending her holidays writing this chapter, so cooperate." Roman folded his hands together before snapping a finger to conjure up different displays of asks, closing his eyes before pointing at one.

" Roman folded his hands together before snapping a finger to conjure up different displays of asks, closing his eyes before pointing at one

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"I love the sweater that Patton made for me." Roman beamed, "It's so royally magnificent!"

Virgil awkwardly shuffled on his feet, "Um...I mean...I haven't really gotten"

Even Tom looked a bit surprised at this.

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