Prissy Prince

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[Requested by SimplyaSketch ]

Roman was just having an off day, he could feel it. He didn't want to admit it, as he didn't a lot of things, of course, for that would mean failing his role as the fanciful trait. It would also mean that Virgil would get an opportunity to make some sly remark. Some sly remark, that would make him snicker and Roman scowl . Some sly remark that had just been slipped.


The day had started out quite fine, as a usual Roman day. Waking up, eating Royal Muchies and then heading off to assist Thomas mentally throughout the day. This kind of day would usually end with Roman heading off to Virgil's room and then crashing there until he was kicked out, or until Patton demanded the two spend some quality family time with everyone. However, that's not exactly how today went. Everything went haywire on the job.

It didn't help that Roman had already been feeling just a tad bit grouchy, and it certainly didn't aid to his situation when Logan stepped in.

It wasn't entirely Logan's fault, only Patton would openly admit to that, it wasn't all the time at least- he just tended to...lack the necessary realizations that words hurt. So of course, as per usual, words did indeed hurt. Not so much emotionally this time, well- not to Roman that is. It was more so in an annoying kind of manor.

Thomas had needed guidance in the field of Which Flavor of Ice Cream - such an important manor that Roman couldn't resist but take the reins. But of course, Logan said otherwise.

"Roman. We can't." Logan groaned.

"But yes we can." Roman gritted his teeth. He didn't particularly know why he wanted to start an argument...he jus knew that he felt like it- like all this rage and negativity was piling up on his shoulder and he needed to push it off on someone else. This was a horrible idea.

"We're not going to feed him four scoops of ice cream- that's just plain out unhealthy!" Logan threw his arms up.

"You don't know anything," Roman huffed as he glared back at Logan.

Logan clenched his fists, "Yes. Yes I do- everyone knows this of all things, Roman! What kind of sane person would have four scoops and whipped cream?"

"An emotionally depressed and rejected human being?" Virgil suggested, entering the conversation.

"Thomas is none of that as a whole!" Patton added with a grin, "My little boy is as happy and shiny as ever!"

"And we would like him to stay like that. And he won't if he eats this much." Logan sighed, trying to keep his temper.

"Oh my god, fine we won't get whipped cream." Roman mumbled.

"That stuff is practically air! How about we just don't get four scoops?" Logan took in a breath.

"Uh...Logan has a point, we probably shouldn't..." Virgil mumbled.

"What was that?" Roman turned his glare on Virgil. When he looked at the darker trait he could feel his own self-hate for all the crappy things that he had said to Virgil burn in his heart. Of course, at the time, he didn't recognize it as this and instead looked to the other and felt unimaginable guilt and hatred, unknowing that none of that should have been directed at Virgil.

Virgil flinched but shrugged, "I...was just saying that...Logan might be right..."

"Which makes me wrong?" Roman took a step towards Virgil.

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