Hand Hearts

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"Really? Like- what the fuck, Roman?" Virgil stared bewildered at Roman's hands, "That's cool and creepy at the same time, but why?"

"I don't know!" Roman squeaked, "It just happened!"

"What the hell were you reading?"

Roman paused, "Er...fan fictions- but- anyway, is it extraordinary or not?"

"I'm sure it happens to others, what's it like?" Virgil cocked his head.

Roman wasn't going to admit what he had been reading, but he could openly admit this extraordinary thing that had just happened, "Well...I was reading it off my phone and holding my phone with all my fingers but my thumbs...and then it got so gosh darn adorable that my heart-rate physically rose- but then there was this! I could feel my heart-beat in between my fingers! Usually that takes pressure applied such as holding hands but, no! My hands just suddenly had a heart beat along with my toes! It was bazaar..."

"It was Prinxiety Fluff, wasn't it?" Virgil crossed his arms.

Roman was silent for a moment before sighing, "God Damnit, Virgil."


Yeah so basically I was reading Prinxiety Fluff and this was actually the fluffiest Fluff chapter I've ever read and I felt a heart-best between my fingers and in my thumbs??? Does this— happen to you guys? It was so cute that I had to scream so like— hand heart beats?




Oh also can someone explain the significance of the comic up above?? I sort of get it but not really??

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