Sore Songs

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"How is it that only one of us can get sick?" Roman coughed, folding his arms over his chest in his corner of the living room.

"When Thomas gets sick we all get sick- but when we get sick- only one of us gets sick?" Patton frowned.

"Well, when Thomas gets sick, it's like the domino effect, we all slowly start getting symptoms until we inevitably get the full virus- that is to say, until Thomas gets better." Logan pushed his glasses up on his forehead.

"Yeah, we get that brainy- but Thomas isn't sick and neither are we." Virgil sighed.

"This has happened before, you know? I've gotten sick before and I don't see any of you fussing over why." Logan frowned.

"It's nothing personal, Logan- it's just that-" Patton was interrupted.

"That I can't sing with a sore throat!" Roman whined out in a hoarse voice.

"And we all know how sir-sing-a-lot is without his Disney tunes." Virgil groaned at the thought.

"Cranky and partially annoying." Logan finished.

"Gee, thanks." Roman glared before another cough.

"Hm. Well, since we all technically are aspects of the mind, it is quite possible that since we have unique forms that we may also have unique immune systems? Like, we all have a portion of Thomas' so theoretically, Thomas could just be on the verge of sickness, or having a small relapse, and Roman is the portion of him getting it." Logan suggested.

"Oh, great." Roman wheezed.

Logan nodded, "For now, you ought to get some rest and nutrition-"

"Oh I can look after him!" Patton suggested with a squeak, bouncing up and down.

"A very nice thought, Patton." Logan began with a half smile, "But I think it's key for Roman to relax as to not increase the illness and spread it to the rest of us- I suggest he could stay with either me or-"

"Don't offer my room up without my consent, Mc.Squared," Virgil huffed.

"You should be willing to make sacrifices for your fellow traits, Virgil." Logan squinted.

"So, with that kind of logic, So should you."

Logan furrowed his brow, "I️ was in charge of Patton's hypothermia the last five times after he decided snow was his friend while not wearing the proper attire for snowy weather. Statistically, you need to pitch in this time."

Virgil simply let out a groan.

Logan rolled his eyes, "You're acting as if you don't tag a long with him fifty percent of the time."

Virgil smirked, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't make me make a chart of how many times either Patton or I️ have caught Roman simply hanging out in your room." Logan returned the smirk.

Virgil retired his pride and shrugged, "So what?"


"I️ find Patton in your room all too more often." Virgil winked.

Logan took in a sharp breath, "You're looking after Roman and that's final."

"Well, now I️ definitely don't want to-"

"Virgil?" Patton spoke up, "Kiddo, would you mind doing this for us, please?"

Virgil frowned as Patton gave him his puppy-dog eyes. He let out a groan before begrudgingly nodding, "Whatever, fine...Roman?"

Roman shrugged, "I guess." He coughed, ambling over to the anxious trait with some sniffles.

Virgil frowned before grabbing Roman's wrist with two fingers as to not get sick and then ducked down into his room, reappearing there in a matter of seconds.

Roman almost immediately went to Virgil's bed and crawled under the gray and black comforter, curling it around himself and snuggling against the wall.

"Great, now I'll get sick from you touching everything." Virgil rolled his eyes but couldn't help but feel his heart warm at how precious the fanciful-trait looked all cuddled in with the comforter.

"Well, at least I'm warm now." Roman nodded with an indignant sniff.

"Yeah, at the expense of my sheets," Virgil shrugged and sat down on the bed, swinging his legs over into a half laying position with his back pressed against the frame of his bed. He then picked up a book from the side of the bed and looked for which page he had stopped on.

Roman made a hoarse whimper sound.

Virgil looked to his side where Roman lay wrapped up and saw the trait wriggling over with effort, the comforter slowing down his movement, "What are you doing?"

"I'm cold and I'm bored." Roman huffed as he finally made it pressed up against Virgil's side.

"Well, that's how it is when you're sick." Virgil shrugged, "Just deal."

"But, I wanna' do something..." Roman frowned.

"You can't, you're going rest and let me read." Virgil sighed, turning back to his book.

"I️ could sing!" Roman coughed out.

"Well, that obviously isn't going to be an option."

"It can be- let me try!" Roman cleared his throat, "When yOu wish upOn a stAAr-" His voice cracked harshly at the strong vowels and the rest came out as blurred pronunciations, "Makes no difrEnce whO you AARe!"

"Stop-Stop- Stop- Stop." Virgil shook his head, covering his ears as he dropped his book.

Roman shut his mouth with a whine, "I can't even sing!" He cried through a shaky voice, "Life sucks." He coughed.

"Life doesn't suck because you can't sing." Virgil muttered.

"I'm going through Disney-songs withdrawal!" Roman covered his eyes.

"You'll survive." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"W-will I? What if I don't? What if I never get better- then we can't hang out and then I'll die and then-"

Roman kept rambling on until Virgil glanced over at him and saw that dark eyeshadow was collecting under his eyes. He felt his heart twist in horror and quickly sat up, putting a hand on Roman's chest and feeling how quick his heart-rate was, "Okay, Ro, you need to calm down, alright?" Virgil murmured in a concerned voice.

"I can't! I'm sick!" Roman wailed before erupting in a fit of coughs.

Virgil took in a deep breath and ran through all the possible calming techniques, "Try and breath, Roman."

Roman let out a few sputtered coughs in response as he tried to take in enough breath through both his sickness and his panic.

"Just- relax and-" Virgil shook his head as he knew this wasn't working. He continued to go through his options, and then- He finally landed on one he believed would work to call down the other aspect, and absolutely cringed before following through.

Virgil took in a deep breath, "All those days, chasing down a day dream- all those years, living in a blur, all that time, never really seeing, things...the way they were." Virgil sung softly, from Disney's Tangled, looking forward through rising blush, trying to ignore the fact that we was singing, and without looking, he could hear Roman's voice hush and knew he was staring, though his heart-rate still seemed to still be up so Virgil continued, "Now he's here, shining in the starlight, now he's here, suddenly I know," Virgil did finally look over to meet Roman's eyes and something happened, Virgil couldn't explain it but he...could feel it, like a warm and sudden surge of energy in his chest, and he smiled, "If he's here, it's crystal clear, I'm where I'm meant to go," Virgil smiled widened as Roman mirrored that same smile, "And at last I see the light, and it's like the fog has lifted." Roman mouthed the words in harmony to Virgil, "And at last I see the light- and it's like the sky is new..." Virgil's voice trailed off, "All at once, everything is different, now that I see you..." Virgil leaned forward a sealed a small kiss on Roman's head, "Now that I see you..."

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