The Fluff MWP

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[I decided to divide up the MWP into two categories: The Fluff chapter, and The Angst Chapter]

Participants in this Chapter: DABOOMDOTCOM, My_Hair_Is_Poof, Sinnamon_Bun, PeriWinkle_Moonlight, Simplyasketch, and lizthenerdiest

[Dialogue/Actions that were submitted are underlined]

Roman rubbed his temple with a grunt of annoyance as the blood rushed to his head the moment he sat up. He inhaled the familiar scent of waffles from his room, most likely coming from the day old waffles he hadn't thrown away yet...and would keep it this way for the time being- but nonetheless, it wasn't a bad thing.

Roman shook his arms out and hugged his yellow shirt to his chest before leaping up and heading towards his closet. He opened up his closet door and grinned at the wide selection of only red sashes. There had to be over fifty-

"Fifty-seven!" Roman admired the number of red sashes he had, placing a finger on one end and skimming it over the other sashes. Though, he stopped abruptly when he reached a gap, a gap only a prince would notice, a centimeter wide gap where, "Sash number twenty-nine should be right there!" Roman whined, "That one is my favorite nonetheless." Roman crossed his arms, biting his lip and tapping his toe in concentration as he tried to recall where the sash might be. He frowned when he couldn't think of anything. "Nothing a prince can't solve." Roman nodded, heading out the door of his room.

"Roman walked around the house, trying to find one of his many red sashes. He was organizing his sashes when he realized one was missing, so now we was on a quest to find it."

"Why are you talking in third person?" Virgil raised a eyebrow as he looked up from where he scrolled through Tumblr on the couch of the main living room.

"All Prince's have a fairy tale, and this is mine." Roman huffed.

"Honestly, don't you have a billion of those things?" Virgil shrugged.

"I wish!" Roman groaned, "Sadly, I currently only own fifty-seven."

"...I was being sarcastic." Virgil dead-panned.

"Oh, hush." Roman sat down a few cushions away from Virgil.

Virgil tensed up a little and chewed his bottom lip.

Roman looked around the room with a frown, looking for his sash to no avail, "I just don't know where it possibly could be."

Virgil glanced over, "Have you checked any of the others' rooms?" He suggested.

"No...why would they have it though?" Roman furrowed his brow.

"Logan for a science experiment or Patton for dress-up." Virgil smirked as he saw Roman's expression drop to one of absolute horror.

Roman shook his head, leaping up, "Then I shall go retrieve it!"

"It's just a sash, you realize?" Virgil sniffed.

Roman froze, slowly turning around face Virgil, "Just a sash?" He whispered.

"Oh, I've done it now, haven't I?" Virgil gasped sarcastically.

Roman took in a deep breath, "It is a prince's duty to save and marry the beautiful princess- it's our code! What we live for! And this sash is just as important as that of a princess, do you now grasp to severity?"

"Totally." Virgil's eyes didn't move from his phone screen.

"Hmph!" Roman stormed off.

Virgil looked up from his phone as soon as Roman left, "...I could be your princess..." he murmured, before leaning back and continuing his Tumblr scrolling, humming along the Tune of Would You Be So Kind with a slight frown. It wasn't like he was purposefully suppressing just...worked out that way, always. He sighed and then a sudden post came up. He squinted at the GIF of a sketched character with a cocked head, above the character was the caption, What Are You waiting for? Virgil began chewing on his lip again. What was he waiting for?

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