I dont know: Part 3

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TW: Panic-Attacks

Virgil found his feet oh so very interesting as he made his way to the amphitheater where he knew his friends would be. Cisco was following suit after him with a small smile on their face that Virgil noticed as he glanced up, "Why're you so happy...?"

"I'm not." Cisco blinked.

"Why are you smiling then...?" Virgil frowned, "I can hardly do that when I'm happy, let alone when I'm not."

"Well, I've decided that frowning is uncomfortable for me so I smile when I'm in the hallways." Cisco nodded.



Virgil dragged his feet along until he saw the nearing amphitheater steps and picked up his pace. However, his pace soon slowed as he saw his friends huddled around in a particularly odd way as they seemed to be fussing around with something.

That something turned out to be Roman, and Virgil found this out when the others caught his eye.

There were a few hushes from Patton and thumbs up from Logan before Virgil soon Roman.

Instantly something changed. But for who?

Roman looked up to see Virgil stop dead in his tracks to see a confused look on his face, the confused look caused by the fact that Roman's hair was done up and he held a ukulele. Roman felt his heart-rate pick up and wanted to back out of the situation at once, he tried to object but knew that everyone was watching. So- he sang.


When the final verse was sung Roman could see tears in Virgil's eyes, and he smiled happily as he approached him to ask his final question, however, as soon as Roman took a step forward, Virgil fled.

Roman shook his head in surprise as Virgil left and looked in dismay to both Logan and Patton.

Logan looked absolutely bombarded and Patton looked like someone had just stuck a stake through his heart; which is how Roman felt.

Roman's shoulders sagged before he noticed Cisco.


Virgil ran to the nearest trans-gender bathroom there was. He, himself, identified as male, but none of the teachers would ever dare to question a student's identification and the Trans-Gender bathrooms locked. Virgil did feel guilty for using the bathroom this way but wasn't going to have a panic-attack in a multi-stalled bathroom. He simply sank down in the corner of the bathroom and began rocking himself back and forth with small whimpers and shakes of his head. The confusion was back again and he had no idea how to stop it, other than letting his panic-attack run it's course until he either vomited or passed out- or maybe he'd just breath it out, but without anyone to his him he felt helplessly vulnerable.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure you're a nice person-"

"If I decide to be, I am."

"Right, now pardon me, but, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Roman threw his hands up into the air.

"Excuse me?" Cisco blinked.

"You don't- you shouldn't- that's not even what asexuality is you ignorant fu-!" sighed sharply, "You can't tell someone that! You can't make decisions for someone-! Let alone an uneducated one!"

"Why not? I'm the core of decisions- and I need only the knowledge of the first result on goo-"

"And I'm the core of creativity! Do you see me policing people on how they use their creative skills!?" Roman huffed our angrily.

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