Flustered Royals

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"Okay but honestly, what exactly is the point of this game? It doesn't advance anything so what are we accomplishing?"

"Why does there have to be a resolution to everything with you, Logan?" Virgil rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his beanbag, glaring at the other two traits, though not feeling particularly agitated at the moment.

"Why could you not replace my company with Roman's?" Logan suggested.

"Roman doesn't enjoy truth or dare- so I️ just didn't tell him, as simple as that." Virgil shrugged.

"Why so?" Logan frowned.

"He has a tragic experience with-" Patton began.

"-He's overdramatic." Virgil finished.

"I️ see." Logan sighed.

"Oh, not always!" Patton frowned.

"He gets emotional and judgmentally fussy over everything." Virgil crossed his arms over his chest.

"That's not true." Patton pouted.

"Patton is partially right." Logan nodded.

"Now so, smart asspect?" Virgil smirked at his pun.

"He's not judgmental when it comes to-"

"Don't you dare say me because you're blind." Virgil laughed sarcastically.

"You, not entirely sure, but he's easier on you at the very least." Logan pointed out.

"I️ can give you a hundred nicknames he's called me and how many times he's said /I️ hate you/." Virgil argued back.

"Words are deceiving."

"The doesn't make sense- when he says I️ hate you- That's /pretty/ clear?" Virgil scoffed.

"Let me give you an example." Logan cleared his throat, turning to Patton, "I️ find you unremarkably unbearable and a main in my neck the majority of my life span for how long I've kept you around and put up with you."

Patton blinked a few times before tears collected at his eyes and he hugged Logan tightly, "I️ love you too!"

"What the hell was- what-" Virgil sat, dumbfounded.

"Or another example!" Patton squeaked, "Truth Or dare?"


"Dare. You choose dare." Patton dead-panned.

"...Dare?" Virgil furrowed his brow.

"I️ dare you to dress up as a pretty, pretty princess for the whole day!" Patton squealed.

Virgil's eyes widened as his pale face turned to a flush, light pink and slowly darkened in hue, "I️- wh- wha- Why?"

"Well, if Roman shows no interest, you win."

"Win what?"

"Well...you don't loose I️ guess then." Patton shrugged.

"And if I️ don't comply?" Virgil glared.

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