Eyes and Lullabies

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Virgil groaned as he felt himself he whisked out of bed as he was being summoned by one of the aspects, and he had an idea as to who it was. Patton was too polite to summon Virgil at three AM and Logan believed he could do everything himself, which left one, stubborn Aspect left-

"Roman...?" Virgil groaned as he still had his comforter wrapped over his shoulders.

"Anxi...?" Roman called out in a hushed voice.

"Mm..." Virgil hum-groaned out as he stumbled over to Roman's bedside, "Can I go back to sle-" Virgil paused as he felt Roman grab his hand.

"I um...Wish for thou to...stay if that's...alright...I had a- night terror..." Roman admitted quietly as he began to shuffle over to make room for Virgil.

"Princey can't slay his inner-demons, huh?" Virgil teased but flopped down nonetheless.

"Says you..."

"I am a demon, it doesn't count." Virgil muttered.

"Don't...say that." Roman yawned as he wrapped his arms around Virgil and snuggled up to his chest.

"For someone older than I, you're acting like a child, Roman." Virgil pointed out.

"Oh, well, I can always stop." Roman began to release Virgil.

"N-o- I- no. Nah, you're fine..." Virgil shrugged as if it were nothing, "Now go to sleep, charming."

"Kiss?" Roman squeaked.

Virgil sighed with a small smile before leaning forward and kissing Roman on the forehead.

"No- I mean- Kiss mine eyes, beloved." Roman grinned, "...In other terms- I'm sleepy."

Virgil couldn't help but snicker and sigh before kissing Roman delicately on each eye before connecting their foreheads with a yawn of his own, "G'night nerd, Love you-"

Roman's eyes shot up, and so did Virgil's.

"Ro- no- that's not what I meant to sa-"

"YOU LOVE ME! YOU ADMITTED IT!" Roman sprang to his knees in triumph.

Virgil groaned as he covered his dusted red face.

"GOOD DAY! HAZZAH! VERY GOOD DAY!" Roman was cheering.

"Holy shmokes calm down." Virgil grabbed Roman's sleeve and yanked him to a laying position, "Close your eyes and go to sleep."

"Lullaby, Love?" Roman beamed with a cheeky grin.



"Will you go to sleep?" Virgil sighed.

"Yup!" Roman squeaked.

Virgil rolled his eyes, "Only for this one right here." He muttered before clearing his throat, "Alright now, get all settled and situated, and don't speak a word about this or I'm never coming in here again, got it?"

"Yup!" Roman grinned.

Virgil sighed with a small groan, the lengths he'd go for this boy, he then took in a deep breath, "La La Lu, La la Lu, oh my little star sweeper...I'll sweep the stardust for you..." Virgil slowly brushed Roman's hair behind his ear as he sang, "Come close your eyes, now and rest..." Virgil's voice hushed as he continued to lightly brush the other's hair back, "La La Lu, La La Lu, and may love be your keeper..." Virgil gently pressed his lips to he now sleeping Roman's head, "La La Lu...La La Lu...La La...Lu." He smiled at the sound boy, he had fallen asleep quick, much to Virgil surprise, "Goodnight my prince." He whispered quietly before resting himself and slowly drifting into sleep.

Roman stirred a bit as he gave Virgil a small squeeze, "...love you...too..."

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