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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating lately, I've been working on so much school work lately that I haven't had the time!

However, one of you suggested I write a blip on my theories/analyzations on the latest Sanders Sides videos, "Moving on"

In this blip I'll include any Prinxiety references I caught and some theories and analyzations I have for future episodes as well as this 2 Part episode.

Let's get to it!


I'm going to start with analyzations, theories, and prinxiety action via quotes and if you'd like to check or see these quotes I'll leave a time next to the quote so you can watch the video as you go!

So let's start with the things in MOVING ON Part 1/2: Exploring Nostalgia!

Starting with things I caught in the first few minutes in the video:
[Spoilers for this episode ahead!]

"No?" [0:47] Virgil sounds legitimately worried about Thomas in this one word and while that may come off to fluffy to most it holds a bit more than that.

With this one expression it's opened up a whole new door that we have not previously seen of Virgil other than in fan fictions [So thank god that us writers were being accurate when we make him more than just a sarcastic lil bean] and this is stretching out a whole new arc, character wise, for Virgil that could potential end up in an outcome of him being more of a warmer person all together and more quiet and shy than he is aggressive and glowering all the time, even if the difference can't be seen entirely we are seeing that Virgil is positively improving and I personally enjoy the turn that Thomas has taken on this with him.

[Also if you listen to the tone of voice Virgil carries throughout the video it is a bit quieter in a sense of emotion not volume]

Next let's discuss SWEARING.

Yes, so, as some of you may have caught it, this is the first Sanders Sides video where a character has actually cursed on screen as them self and excluding bloopers and times when they're leading to a cuss word but then turn it into a whole other word or cut it off.

"Oh Sh**" [1:30]

Previously, Thomas has excluded all cursing from the Sanders Sides episodes and this is the first time, while bleeped, that a full word has actually occurred AND on purpose. This may imply that Sanders Sides is beginning to aim towards and older audience, which it always has been basically but I think never specifically has it had TOO adult themed verses or episodes. So this very well could be an indication that this show is going to be showing a lot more themes that only older audience members can appreciate and or understand at their maturity level.


Next let's talk about

"Say, that's a good idea for bringing together yo- and" [5:01]

Okay so Roman doesn't actually say "Yo- and" he says some kind of word that sounds like 'you' and then and, like "you and-" which I think is what a lot of people thought. However,realizing to this I have a theory on this.

What if Roman was saying "That's a good idea for bringing together YOUTH and-"

As if Youth has an actual physical form.

We know from previous episodes that there are 'Others' However, we don't know who those others are.

So, what if youth was another aspect that Roman was suggested they bring? And if so, who else would Roman have suggested AND IF SO, why did Virgil immediately shut him down the moment he suggested it? Maybe could it be that youth is a bit too excitable and hard to get rid of so they didn't want to deal with them? Or Virgil simply doesn't like any of the cheery aspects? Who knows?

Onto our next quote,

"Can they?" [6:24]

While this can be taken as foreshadowing for Part 2 where Patton confessed that he sometimes feels sad- this can also mean another thing,

What if the main four aspects all control their own kind of- Kingdom, let's say; and each aspect rules over their subjects, their subjects bring EMOTIONS [More on this coming up later] because right there Patton and Virgil are shown CAPABLE of feeling the same kind of EMOTIONS and IDEAS.


"If you continue to peruse your nonsense art of leaping around in front of everybody shouting about things you've never experienced." [11:20]


It's astounding that Thomas can come up with these analyzations and resolutions when most of us have actually experienced these things and are clueless. Though that might be it, he can come up with some of these things he hasn't experienced because he doesn't have the downside of actually seeing through the perspective of the one going through said experience.

Annnnd Next quote,

"That's about the time you upgraded from a tiny nuisance to a giant thorn in our side." [12:29]

Two things, one,
Virgil was a whittle Virgil once <3 I mean, he had to be anyway since he grows with Thomas but he could potentially be younger than the other sides if that's possible? Considering he came up later as well in the videos.

Also potentially this could mean Virgil could have been less important before and was simply one of the "Others" not a full on aspect.

Next we'll head on over to this quote,

"I may not have had Roman create half as many of the stories and worlds he did without Virgil giving me reason to?" [12:42]

And there it is. I don't necessarily have to put commentary on this one other than, Roman and Virgil LITERALLY NEED EACH OTHER to coexist.

Oh. But wait. /There's More/

This doesn't have a quote but around 12:49 we see Virgil give Roman THAT GLANCE THAT HE ALWAYS GIVES HIM. The glance that's sort of an 'I um- ...yes...?' Kind of confused, worried look as if he's hiding something ;) Or just kind of a half way flustered half way confused/denial look.

Now let's move onto Part 2!

Let's start with,

"Falsehood." [7:55]

Look at Patton's face after the word. Yes, Thomas is or could be using this word to say that Patton isn't telling the truth but he also could be using it to have emphasis on the fact that Patton /does/ feel guilty and sad towards the fact that he upset Logan because 'Falsehood' is a very popular use by Logan [AndLemomGrab]

And the final quote will be, "I'm not some kind of Emotion!"

Again I bring up the topic of emotions being the other people the mind palace, which is why they don't always show up because Emotions don't always stay.

Anyway! That raps this up! Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
Peace out <3

If you'd like to articulate on this with me drop a comment :) I'd love to discuss theories and etc. w/ y'all :)

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