Send Romans

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[Requested by @fangirlshipper0516]

Virgil stared at the ceiling of his room, blankly thinking and not even bothering to get a list started. Thomas was having a nearly flawless day, which was wonderful, probably, but this also meant four aspects in one place with nothing to do.

They had all previously been together before Logan brought up the topic that something should be wrong and the next thing they all knew, fingers were being pointed, Logan and Patton were butting heads, and Virgil was out.

Virgil hated to say it, but he almost wished that Thomas would have an issue, just so he could do something. He might act like he didn't like showing up for the traits' meetings but sometimes, truth be told, he actually enjoyed hanging out with them. It wasn't one of his proudest confessions, but it was the truth nonetheless.

Another thing he would never admit is how much he enjoyed being able to see Roman during those times. It was one of the only times he could see the other- well, that wasn't true. Roman could come over to Virgil's room whenever Virgil wanted, the only problem was that it was whenever VIRGIL wanted. Virgil would never invite Roman over. For two purposes, one, which was the reason he told Roman, as so he wouldn't complain, was that whenever Roman came to Virgil's room he began getting more and more anxious as time went by, but honestly that wasn't such a big deal- Roman would simply bring over some Royal Munchies to munch on and that seemed to balance out the situation.

The real reason Virgil didn't have Roman over so often was because Virgil was anxious. He was afraid that if he openly summoned Roman that that would somehow come off as...weak...or make him seem insecure- or more insecure than he genuinely already was. He didn't want Roman thinking that he needed him either, no matter how true that was; he wanted to think that it was Roman who needed Virgil. Which was why Virgil had no issue with Roman inviting himself in. But, the problem was, when Virgil did need Roman, he felt as if he couldn't summon him, for previously listed reasons.

It wasn't like Virgil could simply summon Roman and pretend that he didn't, it didn't work that way, or at least- he didn't think it did? Either way, Virgil wasn't going to test that theory out.

Nonetheless, Virgil couldn't help but want Roman over at this moment in time. He was bored out of his mind and could think of nothing better than simply curling up against the fanciful-aspect and just...talking...about, well, about anything. It was better than just sitting here wallowing in self pity and boredom.

Virgil closed his eyes and grabbed his bear from under his pillow, holding it close to himself and pretending it was Roman there, hugging him back. He pressed it to his face and nuzzled it gently, his facial features heating up just at the thought of one seeing him like this- and since there wasn't really a way to lock his doors he simply pulled his comforter over his head and continued to cuddle the bear.

It was no coincidence that the bear had Roman's sash, and it was no coincidence that is was one of the most precious things to Virgil. And it wasn't a coincidence that Virgil had stolen the bear from Roman's room. Of course, Roman took no notice to this as he had a plentiful stock of teddy bears and not enough room in his brain to recall if he was missing one. And while Virgil wasn't particularly open with his affection, this bear had probably received more hugs than any human on earth. And hugging it more was not helping him miss Roman any less. In fact, it was beginning to frustrate Virgil on how stubborn he was to not just call him up. His own anxiety was at war with him and nothing was going well. His heart rate was picking up and aching from lack of contact, physically and verbally. For god's sake, Virgil wouldn't even mind if Roman came in for a split second to call him some stupidly clever nickname right about now- or even just say hi- or pat him on the back- or just be here and-

Virgil waved up his hand before he could think about this anymore, "Roman!"

In an instant, the fanciful-aspect appeared and shook his head in surprise when he put together where exactly he was, he then looked over to see Virgil face poking out from under his comforter and his hand drawing down from his summoning of Roman himself. Roman blinked in shock, " called?"

"...I love y-"

[Sorry I know there was supposed to be arguing between Roman and Virgil but I just felt like the beans needed a break and wanted a break with each other <3 -Jay]

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