Simply Shorts

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I tend to come up with simple 5 second dialogue strips that I could imagine Prince and Virgil saying to each other or things they might do as a pair, I usually don't both to post them, but here we go, they've accumulated :)

Virgil closed his book to look over to Roman, the royal sleeping soundly beside him, hogging the whole of the comforter as per usual. Virgil let a small smile creep onto his face fondly as he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to the other's forehead, causing the fanciful side to murmur in his sleep before settling back down. Virgil kept his gaze on the peaceful aspect before picking his book up once more.

This one actually I've just really been wanting to use, curtesy of periwinkle_moonlight

"It doesn't work like that, Princey." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean 'it doesn't work', a fight is fine and healthy for a body every so often!" Roman crosses his arms.

"But that doesn't mean you go around trying to start a fight, now does it?" Virgil took a step closer.

"What is it to you anyhow, jack smellington?"

Virgil clenched his fists as he tried not to explode before hissing through his teeth, "If you're Roman, than I'm Greek, because we're Constantly at war."

[Back to fluff]

Roman gasped at the small kitten at his feet, he scooped it up into his arms, not quite sure as to where it came from but not particularly caring at the moment. He cradled the small, black being in his arms as it let out a squeaky purr. Roman then began planting multiple kisses across the cat's face and it hardly seemed to mind, "I shall name thee, dark prince!"

"My friends call me Virgil, but you do you."

"Ro?" Virgil pulled his comforter to his face so only his eyes peered out as he summoned the other trait.

Roman appeared in no time with a look of absolute misery on his face, "Virgil it is three am...what do you want?"

Virgil blinked a few times before shrugging.

"Oh my stars, you dragged me out of bad for a shrug?" Roman growled.

Virgil shrugged again.

"Scoot. I am not teleporting all the way back to my room." Roman ordered.

Virgil rolled to the other side of the bed, his comforter wrapped around him securely.

Roman grumbled a few words before flopping down, "Goodnight you idiot." He paused before pulling half of the comforter over himself.

Virgil smirked, this worked every time.

[And a quick baby Sides where only Logan is a baby and the rest are adults]

"I. Want. PATT." Logan demanded quietly.

"Patton is out right now, just wait." Virgil huffed.

"I. Want. PATTON." Logan's voice raised.

"Deal. With. It. He's not coming back for awhile." Virgil groaned.

"PAAAATOOON!" Logan squealed.

"He can't hear you, my god, just wait." Virgil was on his last straw.

Logan, being the clever child he was, devised a plan, "DAAAAD!" He let out a shrill cry.

Patton was there in an instant.

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