(father) Toby Curtis - best birthday gift

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Genuis life is not easy. You get bullied, mocked, ignored and everything that combined with those words. People judge you without even thinking of what you're capable of or how your life is at home. They are judging us because of the way we look or talk. I hate it. But what should I do to them? Fight them? Respond and get excluded for few days maybe a week from school? Or act smart and just ignored their comments? That's what I do, I just passed in front of them and live my life. But some people don't like it when you act like they don't exist. I often finish my school day beaten up by ''normal'' kids. Yes, I'm a genuis and I can tell you, this life is hard, but also fun when you find people like you. Hard, because when you have an IQ of 180 people can use you by making you think you are their friends or they express themselves on you. And today is one of those days. One of the students punched me and I got my lower lip bleeding. I could have had worst.

It is 4 p.m. and it's time for me to go home. Well... home for me is the Garage. I live with my adoptive father, Tobias Curtis aka Toby, and his co-workers. He is a genuis too with an IQ of 178. I met him when I was 6 years old. I could never forget that day . I was in an orphanage where kids were treating me like now days. Since my younger age, people treat me as a different person, almost like an alien. First, it was hard but then I learned to live with it. One day, I was in class, at the orphanage and the principal, Mrs Lang, came in and called two girls plus me. We followed her to her desk and there stood a couple on the right and a man on the left. I couldn't stop looking at him and his hat. I wanted the same one. I thought it was cool. I was praying in my head that this man wanted me and not the others. Minutes passed and the principal asked me and another girl to go pack our stuff. We went to our respective room and packed our bag with the help of a woman. When I finished packing, I sat on my bed and someone knocked on my door before opening it. My eyes were sparkling when I saw the man with the hat. The man took my bag and he drived us to his home. Since this day, I stopped going from a family to family. And I got a real family.

I turn the handle of the door while sighing and enter the Garage. I am tired, my head hurts and... It's calm, calmer than usually. I venture myself into the room and remark Sylvester aka Sly, one of my dad's co-worker, typing really fast on a key-board. Sylvester is really cool and scared of a lot of things too but I guess we all have our little... secrets. Sly has an IQ of 175 and so knows how genius life is. Anyway... I walk to him and look around the Garage at the same time. Where's everybody? I frown as I arrive to his desk. I stand behind his computer screen since I know he hates when people are behind him.

- Hey Sly, what are you doing ? Where are my dad and the others ? I ask still frowning confused while faintly smiling.

- Working and on a mission. Sorry (Y/N), but I'm out of time so.. answers Sly, not even looking up from the computer screen.

- Of course, yeah. Sorry, I smile faintly and go to my room.

I have a simple room, a bed, a wardrobe and a desk. But that's all I need. I put the music on, not too loud and do my homework. I finish those in 20 minutes. I stand up from my chair and throw myself onto my bed before taking a red box that I hide under my bed. Tonight is my father's birthday and I'm a bit stressing right now. It's been almost 10 years that Toby ''adopted'' me. We never really make it official but tonight I want to give him the papers to make it official. It would mean the world to me so I hope it will too for him. I also wrote him a letter and put a picture of us. I close the box and put it back under my bed before falling asleep.

I wake up with a jump scared when I heard a door open. I look behind me and see my door closed. Maybe the Scorpion's team is back? I stand up and step out of my room before walking downstairs. I look at the time on my phone. 8:00 p.m. I've slept a lot! I can hear Cabe's voice saying happy birthday to my dad before exit the building. Cabe is working with the government and he is the ''chief'' of the group. Walter is sitting at his desk a bit farther. Walter O'brien has an IQ of 197, he is the 4th person to have the highest IQ. He is also the leader of the group and has quiet some difficulties for expressing his emotions. Can't blame him. even ''normal'' people have difficulties to express themselves. Happy stands behind a robot that she has been building all week. Happy Quinn, the girl who has an IQ of 170 and loves everything that is related to cars and robots. I wonder where she got that passion from. She had a hard younger life. I don't see Paige or Ralph. Paige is normal and she helps translating the world to the group and Ralph is a genuis like us. Anyway... I walk downstairs and go immediately to my dad's desk.

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