Jake Slicker - like mother, like daughter

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The school end and I get out of the wooden building. Every students run toward the centre of the village and go to Mr Bray's store. I walk by myself like everyday with my books in my hands and my pencil. Three girls pass beside me and Alice is in the group with Colleen and another girl. I smile to them but they just continue their way laughing at me. Alice is a popular girl and it's her birthday this weekend. She invited everybody.. well, except me. And Colleen, she's "my only friend" but when Alice is around it's like she doesn't know me. I don't blame her, who would like to be friend with me ? I enter Mr. Bray's commerce and buy two candies. I exit the store when I bumped into Alice.

- oh, I'm sorry Alice, I did not see you, are you okay ? I ask her and help her get up. She pushes me and her friends help her up.
- ‎can't you watch where you going Lila ? She says angry but then laugh and walk away with her friends. I'm happy that I did not invited her, she would have ruin my party, I heard her say.

I feel the tears forming in my eyes. A hand is put on my shoulder and I know it's Mr.Bray. I look up at him and smile before running to my home. I enter the barber shop, my dad's work. Yes, my dad is Jake Slicker.

- hey Honey you're home ! How was school today ? Ask my dad while cutting someone's beard. I don't answer and run upstairs to my room. I put my books on my desk and throw myself on the bed. Tears keep rolling down my cheeks. I sob hardly but silently. Minutes pass when I hear a knock on my door. Rose ? May I come in ? Ask my dad. My name is Lila-Rose. Lila because it was my mom's favorite flowers and Rose because it was my grandmother's name from my dad's side. I sit up and erase my tears.
- ‎yeah come in dad, I say with a cracking voice.
- ‎hey, how was school ? He says standing beside my bed.
- ‎great as always, I simply replied. I hear him sighing. He knows that most of the time, when I got home I cry.
- ‎Rose ? He question as he crouched in front of me. What happened ? You know you can tell me anything Honey.
- ‎I know dad. Two tears roll down on both of my cheeks. Why I don't have any friends ? My dad embraces me in his arms and slowly rubs my back.
- ‎oh come on Rose you have Colleen.
- ‎I have her when she's not with Alice which means almost never unless when I go to Dr.Mike's house. What is wrong with me ?
- ‎nothing, absolutely nothing. You are perfect and that's probably why they are not friends with you. You a smart girl, beautiful with a big heart and they are scared of you. I sniffed and look up to my dad.
- ‎thanks dad but I really would like to be like the others which is being normal.
- ‎and you are normal Rose. You just have your differences and that's why you're special. Your mother always knew this and me too. And whoever can't see it, well, be sorry for them. I smile to my dad and node. Okay, now go outside and play or read or do something but don't stay up here alone.
- ‎yes dad, I kiss his cheek and run outside but not before screaming 'I love you'.

I walk to the prairie where kids are. I see them playing different games. Some are playing hide and seek, others are playing with a ball,... Dad's right, maybe they don't accept me because I'm different. Well, I need to change this and to began, let's talk to someone and ask them if I can play. I walk toward a brown hair girl and ask her if I can play.

- No, we don't need anybody. This game can have only five people playing.
- ‎But you're already seven, I tell her frowning.
- ‎oh yeah, but still, we don't need anybody.

I sigh and go see if I can play hide and seek with the other. But same thing, they didn't accept me. I can feel the tears coming back so I just walk to a tree and and sit at the bottom of it. I look up and watch the birds flying. Sometimes I would like to fly and see everything. I close my eyes slowly and feel the tears rolling down the side on my head.

- Sweetie ? I hear my dad calling me. I open my eyes and see him right in front of me. He didn't say anything else and sit beside me. I look straight in front of me, at the other kids playing and having fun. You know... At school, your mom hasn't had any friends. I remember when she was siting on the stairs, eating her apple and reading a book. I though she was the most beautiful girl of the school. But the other kids didn't see it like that. They bullied her. They would throw away her lunch, her books, treating her a nerdy, not letting her play with them and so on. I keep gazing at what is in front of me. But the left side on my head is burning by the sensation my dad's gaze. Sweetie... I saw your mom growing up like this and I feel like your doing the same.. and I don't want that for you so.. if.. I have to go and yell at those kids for treating you better, I'll do it. If I need to go see their parents, I'll do it. If I need to go see your teacher, I'll do it. I'll do anything to help you Lila-Rose. I look at him, my eyes and cheeks full of tears but smile at him.
- ‎Thank you Daddy, I simply reply after puting my head on his shoulder and taking his hand in mine. The other kids might not like me for who I am but my family sure does like me and that's all I need right now.

 The other kids might not like me for who I am but my family sure does like me and that's all I need right now

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