(Father) Daryl Dixon - Home

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I've been locked up in a cell, alone, in the dark, without clothes on for the first few days. They decided to let me wear some clothes not long ago and this has been going on for two weeks now. I can't forget the night we met the true Negan and not just some men telling us there are "Negan". I remember being on my knees, shaking of fear, scared that the man would hurt my friends or worst, my father. I wasn't that much scared for my life because... I actually don't know why I wasn't scared. I guess with everything we've been through, the camp, the farm, the prison, living in the woods alone for days, getting stuck inside a hospital for me, the Terminus and the Wolves that came not long ago in Alexandria, killing people by cold blood and, the last but not the least, the walkers invading Alexandria because of the church that collapsed.... Negan was just another threat to pass. However, he wasn't like any other enemies we met before. That man with his damn baseball bat, is more scarier than he looks like. I can't get the images of my friends shaking of fear, crying of fear and hearing their irregular breathing out of my head. Maggie looked so bad, I know she really needed a doctor for her baby and I hope she did had one. Dad kept glancing at me, his eyes talking by themselves. My father always taught me to stay strong, even in my weakest moments. But it is always easier to say it than doing it, right? When I saw Negan smashing Abraham's head, I couldn't take my look away, shocked by what the man was doing. It is definitely worst than shooting at someone. I let tears running down my face, starting to feel my chest getting heavy. I couldn't get the thought out of seeing my father ending up like Abraham. When Negan was in front of me, pointing his baseball bat near my head, dad suddenly stood up and punched the man in the face. But men grabbed him and put him back to place. I was so scared for him as I heard Negan laughing. I couldn't watched it so I had to intervene between them. I remember Negan pushing me hardly to the ground, frowning angrily at me before walking towards one of my best friend. The man held up his baseball bat before smashing it hardly on Glenn's head. I couldn't look this time. All I was able to look at was my father. Even the noise of breaking skull and the blood was too much. Dad was staring at me as I tried to calm down myself quietly, but it didn't work. I started sobbing hardly, just like Maggie and most of the people from our group. I couldn't stay strong like I should have. Then, everything went so fast, Negan asked their man to take me. Two pairs of arms grabbed me and threw me into the back of a truck. I could hear dad screaming my name over and over again, his voice mixed up between angriness, sadness and scaredness. The last thing I saw before they closed the door was my father getting punched to shut up. But like I said, this was two weeks ago...

Negan tried to convince me to become one of his wife and to become "Negan". But when he asked me who I was, I answered him "Maya". I know who I am, I know where I belong and it isn't with him nor his men. I'm a Dixon and proud to be it. After that, he threw me back inside the cell where the damn music "Walking on easy Street" was passing on repeat mode. Headaches, tiredness, madness, hungriness, thirsty, loneliness, scaredness, crazyness... this is all I've been feeling. I couldn't feel anything else. Hell, I couldn't even think about something else. Or maybe just my father. They fed me with dog food inside sandwiches but I would throw up everytime I eat them. Who wouldn't? I sometimes cried, thinking of my dad, the others, what they are doing, if something happened there, if Negan killed one of them while I am stuck here...

Last week, Negan brought me to Alexandria. He gave me some ugly and shitty clothes which I swear were made with bags of potatoes. A huge "A" was drawn on the shirt. It was hitchy and it stung. But, again, I didn't care. All I wanted was for me to be able to see if my father and the others were alright.
I am inside a car with Negan driving on my left and Dwight sitting near the passenger door on my right. It's been so long since I got out of the cell. The sun blinded me for at least a minute. When we arrived at Alexandria and that Negan asked me to come closer. I saw all the citizens and the ones from my group looking at me with sadness, concernedness, nervousness and sorriness. I could tell they felt powerless as well. We could see it in their eyes. I didn't see dad at first. I saw Rick and few others, but not dad. I only saw him once I heard him calling my name.

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