90210 Mr.Matthew (sister) - big brother

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Heyy guys, in this little one-shot, I'm talking about violence from bullying or drunk people. Please, if you ever got hurt because of someone, I mean hurt because they are bullying you or doing any violent things on you, either it is words or punches, kicks,... Anything. Talk to someone about it. It might be hard to do it but don't be scared to ask for help, it is not a shame. Everyone needs help in their life and for anything.


I enter the corridors of the West Beverly Hills High School to go to my locker and get my books. Last night was crazy and rough. My dad came home drunk and started screaming and punching me repetitively. I am used to his screaming but not his violence. I cried all night and when I knew he was asleep, I went cleaning myself. I have my lower lip and my right eyebrow open, my arms and my belly are covered with bruises. I arrive to my locker and take the books I need.

- Hey Danielle, how ar- what the hell happened to you ? Ask Adrianna shocked. Who did this to you ? She says while trying to touch my eyebrow but I back up a bit which makes me wince.
- my dad happened, I say tiredly. He was drunk last night and this is what happen when he is in that state.
- I'm sorry Dani, she takes me in her arms.
- don't, It's okay. Oh, please don't say anything to my brother. I know he is going to get pretty mad toward my dad.
- okay, I won't say anything but either way  you tell him or not, he will see it in 7th period, she says and walks away. I sigh knowing she's right and close my locker. By the way, my brother is my English teacher, Mr. Matthews. I go to my first period and sit at the back. Matt sits beside me, Adrianna in front of me and Navid beside Ad'. Matt passes a paper to me which asks if I'm alright. I answer positively even if inside me, I'm not well.

The morning passes slowly and it's time for lunch. I eat with everyone and then go lay down a bit. Naomi comes and sits beside me. Just like Adrianna, she tells me how sorry she is. I hug her and we talk about everything and nothing. She tells me about this crazy party on the beach and how she ridiculously fell on a boy. I laugh to her foolishness. It feels good to think about something else. The bell ring and I go to my 6th hour. I slept the whole hour. Annie wakes me up to go to the last period. I can feel my heart beating faster. I'm scared of what my brother is going to say. I enter his class, looking down so he can't see my face and go sit to my place.

- alright guys, I hope you all read Mme Bovary because you are going to write a paper about it. I want you all to give you point of you on Mr. and Mrs. Bovary and tell me what you think and feel about their deaths. My brother passed beside me and stops when he saw my face. I gesture him to continue which he did quickly. O-ohh okay, turn on your computers and start writing please. If you need any help, raise your hand up, he says returning to his desk and staring at me.

During the whole hour, I saw him playing with his pencil. He is angry, I can see it. The last bell of the day ring in the whole school and everyone runs outside, ready to go home or to their after school activities. I take my stuff and follow everyone when I hear my brother calling me. I stop and walk to him. The last people leave the class and he closes the door.

- Can you tell who did this to you ? He says walking to be in front of me. He crosses his arms over his chest.
- Who do you think did this Ry, I say lowly.
- I'm going to kill him, he whispers. I could feel the tears rising up in my eyes. I put my stuff on a table.
- You should have seen him Ry, he was so drunk, like every other nights, but last night was... He was never that violent before. He only used words before but now he used his hands. I say tears rolling down my cheeks. I was so hurt I didn't sleep at all. I say sobbing lightly. He steps up and takes me in his arms, his left hand going up and down my back. I was so scared Ry. Hot tears keep rolling down my cheeks.
- I'm sorry Dani, you should have called me. I would have come get you. Even if it was in the middle of the night, I always come and help you. I get away from his embrace and up look at him. I'm pretty small so I arrive under his shoulders. Your my baby sister, I have to protect you. I node and look down. Hey listen, let me take my stuff and we go get your stuff. You come live with me.
- really ?
- yes, come on.

The both of us exit the school and we enter his car. He drives to our dad's house. I can feel his angriness by his driving, his sighing, the way his fingers are typing on the wheel and how he looks at me every ten seconds. He parks in front of the house and we get out of the car. I'm not going to lie, I am trembling of fear right now. Just being in front of this house makes me remember every single words and punches that caused me to be in pain right now. Ry enters the house without even knocking and I follow him. We go upstairs, to my room and I take a baggage to put some clothes, my make up, bathroom products and my school stuff. I close the baggage and Ryan takes it. We go back downstairs when my brother is being pushed against a wall by my father.

- wha' you doin' 'ere ? He asks as drunk as last night. It's even worst than before. He never drinks during the day before. I can smell alcohol from where I am. Ryan takes his fists and pushes him away.
- I came to take Danielle's stuff. She's going to live with me for a while.
- no she's not, he screams.
- yes she is dad, she can't stay here while you like this. Unfortunately, you're like this every nights and probably every days too now. My dad can't even stand straight.
- fine, take her but don't come back. I don't want to see any of you here anymore. You're nothing to me. I gasp. I can't believe he said this. I want to cry and scream at him. It hurts even more than my bruises. Tears roll down my cheeks again. I feel so weak, this feeling is horrible.
- you out did yourself this time, say Ryan more angry than ever.
- oh go to hell the both of you, he says walking back to the living room and bumping into walls.

Ryan takes my hand and we exit the house. I sit on the passenger side, not capable to look at the house anymore. He enter the driver side and speed to his house.
Around 7 p.m., Ryan ordered take outs. We eat Chinese. He put on my favorite movie and we watched it while eating. I couldn't stop laughing during the whole movie which made me wince something but I keep forgetting the pain. It feels good to laugh again.
Around 11 p.m., I went to bed. I felt different tonight. I felt in peace. I wasn't stressing and thinking of what will happen to me when my dad would get home or what he would do to me. I lay in my bed and look at my phone when my brother enters my bed room.

- I hope the bed is comfortable because I'm not gonna lie but I haven't used it yet, he says laughing. I am supposed to change my room, I guess I'll just buy another mattress.
- thank you Ry for letting me sleeping here, he sits beside me.
- you're welcome baby sis'. I hug him. You still have Mr. Peanut ? He says taking my stuff animal and laughs.
- give it back to me, I say taking it away from his hands. Yes, I do. Is there a problem ? I say chuckling.
- no, it's cute. He says kissing my forehead and walks toward the door. Goodnight baby sister.
- Goodnight big brother.

Ryan exits my room and I go back on my phone before falling asleep. I never sleep that well since a long time, I never feel that relieved and in peace too but it feels good.

 I never sleep that well since a long time, I never feel that relieved and in peace too but it feels good

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