(father) Danny Reagan - Don't go to the park

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Nikolina's P.O.V.

- Nikolina Meredith Mary Reagan, what did I told you last night after diner? Questions my mother while sighing and and frowning with annoyment. Okay, when mom calls me by my full name, she is indeed really mad. I put my school bag on my shoulders and walk toward her in a rush.

- To clean my bedroom, I know, and I did but I had to clean my furniture first and it took more time than I thought it would. And I would like to sort some of my clothes so... Maybe you can help me just for the clothes part? I look at my mother, smiling as she keeps frowning. We continue staring at each other for a moment until she rolls her eyes and nods. I hug my mother and kiss her cheeks. Your the best, love you.

- Me too, Honey, but that's the only time I'll do it, mom kisses my cheek and I walk toward the front door. Boys, you're going to be late for school!

- Coming, mom! Screams my brothers in heart while running down the stairs with their bags on their back. Dad runs down the stairs, after my brothers, while puting his tie on.

- Hey baby girl, you aren't walking to the bus today? Questions my dad while passing a hand behind my head. He pulls me in and kisses my forehead.

- I have to wait for those two things that mom and you created, I answer while sighing impatient and looking at the time on my phone. My bus is supposed to pass in less than five minutes.

- Those two things, like you called them, are your brothers, corrects my father while arcing one of his brows and lightly smiling.

- Yeah, well, I'm going to miss my bus because of them and I can't miss it because if I arrive late, today, I won't be able to go to the park after class. I... My phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it and see a text message coming from Nicky, my cousin, telling me that I just miss the bus. Argh, For real? Oh my God! Jack, Sean! I just missed the bus because of you! I say madly to my brothers. Mom and my siblings enter the hallway where dad and I are standing.

- It's okay, Honey. Dad can drop you off to school, right baby? Tells my mother as she looks at my father smiling gently. I look at my father who smiles down to me and nods.

- Of course, but let's go now, then. I wouldn't want you to be late.

- And us? Questions Jack as he looks at our dad.

- You managed to get your sister late, guys. I think you can walk to the next bus stop, don't you think? Both of my brothers sigh as they argue together and exit the house.

I wave goodbye to my mom and follow my brother's steps to go to dad's car. My father unlocks it and I enter it with him. I sit on the passenger seat as dad starts the engine before driving off to my school. There're so many cars on the road. How am I not going to be late? I sigh as I play nervously with my foot. I glance at all the passers-by in the street when the car starts riding again. I sigh and look back in front of me, my bag on my legs.

- I'm going to be late, dad. Why do I have to wait for them every morning? I ask my father as I look at the time on my cellphone. I still have ten minutes to arrive at school.

- Because.. it's what brothers and sisters do. They wait each other, answer my father unsure to his answer.

- It's funny how unsure you sounded.

- Hey Honey, you're their big sister, they count on you for so many things. They'll learn things from you. You should be happy to be the big one, at least you won't have to suffer to be the youngest one in all your siblings. trust me it's bad, laughs, my father. I chuckle and shake my head, knowing what he meant. Dad turns to the left and we finally arrive on the parking of my school. I really thought I was going to be late.

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