Jake Slicker - Bad teacher

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Two days ago, Reverent Johnson announced to the whole town that we are having a new teacher at school which is an exciting news. Well, I like miss Dorothy, she is a nice teacher but she can't do both, her journal and teaching.

This morning I woke up and wear my red dress like everyday with my red hat. I took all my books and went downstairs where my father is. My dad is Jake Slicker, the mayor of this town but also the barber. He is all I have because my mother died while giving birth to me. I wish I could have meet her. I only saw a picture of my mother, that's how I know how she looks like. I have her eyes and her smile and maybe her height as well. I'm not very tall for my age but. I'm 4'2 for a 14 years old. But anyway. I get downstairs and eat my breakfast.

- I hope you'll like miss Chambers. When I saw her yesterday, she seems nice, tells me my dad eating his breakfast as well and reading the journal.

- I hope she'll let me write like I used to do with Miss Dorothy.

- She will Sweetheart, smiles my father, now you should go to school. You're going to be late. I stand up, grab my stuff and walk around the table to kiss my dad's cheek before running outside.

I meet Colleen on my way there with her little brother Bryan. Colleen and I are the same age and our mothers were best friends. I remember that most of my afternoons were spend at Colleen's. Anyway, we all arrive at school and Miss Chambers tells us to enter and sit at our habitual places. The teacher walks to the front and faces us all.

- Hello to everyone, I'm miss Chambers. I'm your new teacher and I am replacing Miss Dorothy. I hope we all get along together and have an amazing year, she tells us smiling. Right, so the first thing you need to know is that in my class their are rules. You'll learn them as the days and weeks go by. Alright, let's start the day with some maths.

The day went along and I don't really know what to think of her. She seems nice like said my father but I feel like she can be mean with us. I mean in a wrong way. I run back home and enter my dad's shop. Mr.Bray is there talking with my father.

- oh sorry, hi Mr Bray, hi dad, I say entering the shop with my book, my pencil and my little bucket that I bring to school everyday.

- hi Marie-Alice, how was school? How was Miss Chambers? Questions me Mr Bray smiling.

- it was alright, she is kinda severe and has a lot of rules but she's okay. I have a lot of homework dad so I better go and do it before the night falls. Bye Mr Bray.

- alright, diner is at 7 Sweetie, tells me my dad and I nod while going to my bedroom.

- Bye, says Mr Bray.

I run to my bedroom and do my homework just like I told my dad. I have so many homework, even Miss Dorothy didn't give us that much homework. Maybe its because it was her first day and she wanted to see our level? Between English, math and art, I have enough work to do until dinner.

*Two weeks later*

It's been two weeks since we have Miss Chambers and like I thought, I don't like her. I knew she was mean. Her rules are insane. The work she gives us are too much and the punitions are the worst. Miss Chambers keeps taking a ruler and slaps our fingers with it or she beats us. Last time, one of the boy answered wrong and he had to stay after school so she could punish him. The next day, his fingers were all purple.

When I went at the church with dad Sunday, I saw miss Chambers and I was trying to actually hide from her. Or at least, trying to not be seen by her. I was holding my dad's arm when she came by to say hi. I can't tell anything because since dad became the mayor, he has to listen to everyone.

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