(father) Danny Reagan - I wouldn't miss this opportunity

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Nikolina P.O.V.

When I woke up this morning, I wasn't feeling well. I'm not sick, no, I'm just... sad. Next Friday, at my school, there is the father/daughter dance ball but I know at 99.9% that dad won't be able to make it. I don't spend much time with my father but everytime he is at home, I'm glued to him. We usually tell each other's day, talk about school, about my future, sometimes about a potential boyfriend which makes me laugh because I perfectly know why he is asking that. Protective father is on at this moment. I'm his only daughter and so, his little treasure, his little princess that nobody can hurt. But anyway... I walk downstairs and find my brothers with my mother sitting around the table, eating there breakfast and for mom, drinking her coffe.

- Morning everyone, I say faking a smile to not let any suspicions appear.

- Morning Lili, responds my brothers absorbed by there food.

- Morning Sweetie, answers my mother after she kissed my cheek, did you sleep well?

- I had better nights but yes, I did, I reply while taking a bowl and pouring some cereals and milk. I walk to the table and sit between my mother and Sean.

- You had some trouble sleeping? questions mom, frowning confused.

- No, I guess it was just a... bad night, that's it, I answer faking a smile again before taking a spoon full of cereals. Dad runs down the stairs and enters the kitchen. He smiles to all of us as he comes kissing mom.

- Morning Honey, greets my father. Mom chuckles and replies to his greeting. Dad walks around the table and hugs Sean and Jack, Morning boys! Did you sleep well?

- Yes, dad, better than a certain person here, answers Sean while looking at me and smiling. I hate when he does this. I roll my eyes and keep eating.

- Why are you saying this? dad looks at me while walking towards me before embracing me tightly. Someone had a bad night? questions my father pouting, I don't answer and keep eating. He kisses my cheek and goes making his coffee after exchanging a glance with my mother. Dad comes sitting on the chair next to mom as I finish my bowl. So, why have you had a bad sleep babygirl? Questions my father as he takes a sip from his cup of coffee. I sigh and stand up to put my bowl in the sink.

- I'm going to go take my shower, I walk up the stairs under my parents and my brothers confused stare.

Later on, around noon and a half, everyone is sitting at the table, eating after saying the grace. I am sitting in front of my cousin, Nicki, who is a year younger than I am and between Sean and dad. Nicky and I don't go to the same school but there is not a single day where we don't talk to each other. Being the only girls in the family makes our ship stronger. Anyway, Nicky knows about the father/daughter dance ball and also knows my feeling about it. I can see her glancing at me time to time. I stare at my food, thinking when I feel someone elbowing me. I turn to Sean, looking confused.

- Aunt Erin asked you a question, sis, tells me Sean before taking a fork full of mash potatoes. I turn to my aunt and look at her.

- Are you feeling okay, sweetie? You haven't touch your plate, points out my aunt. I look at everyone at the table before stopping on Nicky. She faintly smiles. I sigh and shake my head.

- Yes, I'm fine Aunt Erin. Just thinking, I answer before taking a fork of my mash potatoes. It's almost cold. How long have I been daydreaming?

- May we know about what? Questions gently my grandpa.

- Nothing important, really, I sigh again when I feel my father putting his hand on my forehead.

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