Tyler Lockwood - Jealous

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I arrive at Matt's party a bit late but I guess it's okay. Everyone is already here, all the footballers, the cheerleaders and few people that Matt knows from school. Elena, Caroline, Jeremy, Bonnie and the Salvatore's brothers are here as well. I enter the house not bothering knocking over the loud music and walk to the living-room. I haven't done three steps that some drunk footballers come flirting with me. I push them on the side and walk to the kitchen.

- Alessa! You finally arrived, say happily Bonnie while hugging me. What took you so long? Caroline and Elena come to me and hug me as well.

- I had to work more than I was supposed to, sorry. What did I miss? I say and ask the girls while Caroline hands me a beer.

- Not much, footballers crappy jokes, the beer keg thing, and huh.. Oh yeah, Tyler's been waiting for you, say the blond girl winking at me. I have a massive crush on Tyler since years now but I know he doesn't love me. At least not the same way as I do. The girls know about my crush for him and they always jokes about it. I know it's not mean what they say and it makes me blush anyway.

- Stop blushing Ali, say Bonnie laughing, come on girls, let's go dance now.

We all follow her, laughing as well and drinking our beers before going to the living-room dancing. I swing my body, make my hair flying, turn around,.... It's good to 'relax' a bit sometimes. Some boys come dancing with me but I walk away. It's been an hour that we dance and I can't breath anymore. I need a break. I take a new beer and drink the beverage while going back to the girls. The party is amazing! A pizza guy enter the house and I go take the pizzas to put them in the kitchen with his help.

- Hey Stefan, how are you? Where's Matt? I ask screaming over the music. Elena joined Stefan and drags him to the dance floor.

- Hey, I'm good, he's in the garden with Tyler and some footballers.

- I'm good, thanks, I answer him smiling and going to the garden followed by the pizza guy. I enter the garden and see the guys laughing and drinking. Hey guys! I say happily. Matt the pizza guy needs the money, I tell him while resting one of my arm on Tyler's shoulder. Matt nodes and leaves to give the guy his money.

- So Alessa, what have you been doing? We missed you earlier, say one of the footballer flirtingly. I could feel Tyler tensing under my arm.

- I was working, sorry. Okay, I let you guy alone, I say smiling and look quickly at Tyler.

- Hey, save a dance for me, scream one of the footballer.

- Nope, don't even dream about it.

- save one for me then, scream another one.

- Nope, I say popping the 'P'. I reenter the house and go back to the girls.

Everyone is drunk or almost drunk now. Not a lot of people are still dancing, they all went outside smoking or they went to another party. We might be 20 people now and I have to admit that the drinks are starting to get out. I go to Matt and ask him if I can go to the garage get some beverages. He indicates me where to go and I follow his directions. I remember when I was younger, I used to play in the garage with him and Vicki. I grab a pack full of beers and go back to the kitchen. I returned to the living room when one of the footballer who was outside with Tyler and Matt earlier corners me against the wall.

- What are you doing? I ask feeling stressed.

- I want you, he says drunkly.

- You're drunk, leave me alone, I try to push him but he is too strong. He grabs my wrist and hurts me. Carter, (let's pretend his name is Carter XD) you're hurting me, I say wincing in pain.

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