(father) Danny Reagan -It's not your fault

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Warning : sad One-shot.

Emma Reagan's P.O.V.

Today is the day. Today is the day Dad, Mom, Sean, Jack and I go to Fanny, my best friend, funeral. She died three days ago while our class were at a museum. Fanny and I have been waiting for that day since five months. We were so excited to see all those ancient machines, ancient ways of how people used to live and so on. You might think of us to be some nerdy, true, but if we were excited to go there it's because we actually do miss one day of school... We were in the hall of the museum, the thirty three students and the two teachers with three parents tied up and sat on the ground with guns pointed on our head. We were all so scared. Some were crying. I'm not going to lie, I was panicking even though I did see a gun before. I didn't know what the men were going to do and neither was the others sitting around I. Fanny was crying and shaking of scaredness. I couldn't help her because even I didn't know how to act, myself. We're only fifteen years old and have so much to learn about life. I guess it just stopped for her...

I am puting on the necklace Fanny gave me on my seventh birthday. There is the date of the day we met and our friendship started on it. She was like the sister I never had and the only true best friend. I'm staring at myself in the mirror as I remember the moment she got shot. A man came and took five students away, with Fanny in it. They all walked to another room with men surrounding them, their guns pointed on my friends. I was getting more and more nervous. I could feel my heartbeats in my chest and myself shaking of scaredness. I remember a mother crying and telling a man to not take her little boy. One of those guys took her into another room and... I don't know what they do to her nor how but they unfortunately took her life. I kept my tears for myself until not being able to keep them. They started to roll down my face one by one when police officers entered the hall and start shooting at the remaining men surrounding us. All students, the teachers and the parents were laying on the ground as bullets were getting exchanged across the hall. Teens were screaming and sobbing at the same time when the gunshots stopped. Someone pulls me up and I am being sit up, with others of my class, when I see Uncle Jaimie. He looked so nervous.

- Are you okay, Emma? questionned my Uncle while he was untying my wrists. I didn't answer him right away. I couldn't. I was crying, just like all the other teens around us. Uncle Jaimie grabbed my face between his hands and made me stare at him. Emma, are you hurt? I shook my head as more tears rolled down my face. Jaimie nodded and were about to hug me when five gunshots were heard in the whole museum. A dead silence took place in the hall. Everyone in the room looked in the direction of where the sounds came from excepted few officers who ran toward another room. I was staring with wide eyes to a door when few students start screaming of scaredness again.

- Alright, officers, take the kids outside. We have to clear this hall and make sure everyone is safe, yelled a police officer to all his colleagues. Uncle Jaimie helped me up and leaded me outside. Police cars and ambulances were parked in front of the museum, the blue and red lights flashing the place. Everyone was outside in less than five minutes. Parents were already here and picked up their kids. I still had my uncle's arms around I, as he was keeping me up when my father arrived with his co-worker. He parked his car rapidly and immediately ran towards us. I couldn't even run to him. I was crying so much that I wasn't able to stay up. Dad arrived to us in a rush and hugged me so tightly, one of his hand on my back and the other one on my hand.

- Baby! Oh, my God, are you okay? Dad quickly looked at his brother. Is she okay?

- Yes, Danny, she is but I think she's shocked. Only five gunshots were heard not long ago and we don't know how many more victims they made, explained my uncle to my father as dad is still holding tightly onto me. He is stroking my hair while looking around us at what is happening with the other teens. Dad turns to Maria, his co-worker, and told her to go see what is happening and get details. She walked off, leaving, Uncle Jaimie and dad with me. I pulled away from my father, still crying and stared at his eyes. Dad looked down at me, frowning sadly.

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