Shane Walsh (daughterXdad) - camp attack

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The night fell an hour ago and we are all around a camp fire, still waiting for Rick, Dad, Glenn and Daryl to come back from town. They have been there for almost a day now and I have to admit, I can't stop thinking about them, especially my dad. He is all I have left in this damn world. My mother died months ago, just like almost everyone on Earth right now. And because of what? Because of this damn epidemic. She got bite and a police man, not my father, shoot her straight in the head. I was right in front of my mom when it happened and I couldn't move. I watched her fall on the floor and cried. Dad arrived seconds after that and took me away from the scene. I know he was shocked as well but he had to move fast.

I got into his car, crying like a mess, my dad telling me soothe words while he was driving to Lori and Carl Grimes's house. Carl is a ten years old boy. His dad is my dad's best friend since forever so I used to call him Uncle Rick. But he was shot months ago and is still in a coma. I gave him visit with the Grimes family, my mother and my father as well. My sobs are the only thing that we can hear in the car. Dad parks in front of Lori and Carls house.

- Baby, he tells me looking the mirror, he gets out of the car and opens my door. Babygirl, hey, hey, hey, calm down, I know it's hard, I know what you saw baby. I-- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have saw anything. He hugs me when I hear Carl's voice. I can tell he wants to cry. We both look at the mother and the boy coming to our car. Lori's eyes stare at me before she looks at my dad. He shook his head like she just asked him something. I understand what they meant and let new sobs out. Flashbacks of my mother dying are coming back. They both get into the car after Carl got in his sit beside me and he drives to the highway. Our beautiful sun day became a living hell in a matter of seconds.

Hours later, we were blocked in the highway, so we waited and waited for an eternity. I was sitting on the hood of the car when helicopters flew through the sky toward the city. Dad was somewhere with Lori, between thousands of cars, while I am keeping Carl. We stayed with a woman, Carol, her husband, Ed, and their daughter, Sofia. Half an hour later, dad came back running and told us to go inside the car. My father started the engin and drove away with some people following us. Since then, we ''live'' all together, at the top of a ''mountain'', near a lake.

I am talking with Amy when she decided to go to the restroom. She walks to the RV and I listen to the group conversation while looking at the stars illuminating the sky. Where is my dad and the others? They've been there for to long. If I lose him, I don't think I'll be able to live by myself. I mean, I know I have the others to live with but dad is my only family member left.

- Seriously, we're out of toilet paper? question Amy throwing her arms in the air making the group chuckle. I laugh as well and grab a wooden stick to play with.

- AMY! I hear Andrea yelling for her baby sister.

We all look toward the RV to discover Amy getting bite by a walker at her arm. She is screaming of pain. I stand up quickly like everyone sitting at the fire camp and start running. I see some members of the group running through the woods, others are hiding into their tent, Lori, Carl, Sofia, Carole, Dale and Andrea are going in the RV and lock it. I run to only God knows where. It's so dark that I can't see where I'm going.

I can feel my heart beating fast in my chest, my vision is getting blurry every seconds because of the tears and my breathing is getting heavier and heavier. I take the gun that my dad gave me when we arrived here from my pocket, to shoot if I need to. Four walkers walk toward me. One is about to grab my arm but I shoot in time, followed by the next one. The other two are shot down by Jim. I thank him by nodding and change my direction to run into the woods.

I keep running and shooting at the walkers around who are ready to devour me. Screams from people of our camp are heard even from inside the woods. Some are scared screams, others are pain screams, and sometimes its a mix of both. I see one of our people getting eat by two walkers. I grimace and feel some more hot tears running down my cheeks. I continue my way, after shooting the two walkers. I shoot at a walker who appeared suddenly in front of me when more fireguns are heard from the camp.

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