(father) Darren Wilden - Not the best father

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The girls and I have been through hell for quiet a while now. Two years exactly. We got bullied, we got blamed for murders, had to lie to people while not even thinking that those people could lie to us, sacrificed a lot in our life to make sure that our boyfriend's or friends won't get hurt, disappointed people without choices and received messages from a person that basically controls our life now. The only people I can count on right now are Aria, Spencer, Emily, Hanna, Toby, Caleb and Jason. Yes, I trust Jason even if that sounds crazy. Jason and I have been on and off in our relationship. I actually don't even know if we are together right now. Since he's been off and on in Rosewood, it's hard to keep up. Anyway, my father doesn't really appreciate our relationship. Of course, I tried to make him see how good Jason is with and for me. I tried to show him how supportive he has been with me but he doesn't seem to see it. My father is the detective Darren Wilden. Yes, the man that keeps accusing my friends for the murder of Alison and absolutely wants to know what happens that summer. Something is telling me that he must know more than he is telling us. I know my father by heart. I hated him when he was doing this because I felt like he was accusing me as well. We would often fight on this subject at home. The girls and I were always all together when Ali was still alive so if he accuses them, then I'm accused as well. I don't know how many times we have been fighting over that subject. I love my dad but it's too much sometimes. After Ali's death, I just wanted to forget about everything but with him bringing her death all the time... anyway.

Emily, Aria, Hanna and I enter a wooden house lost in the woods by the window upstairs, just like it was planned to. Spencer and Toby should be downstairs with Mona, waiting for Redcoat. We will finally be able to know who made us live a living hell for two years now. The girls ad I slowly approached the barrier of the stairs to look at what is happening downstairs. Spencer and Toby are sitting on the couch while Mona is standing across from them.

- I'll take care of Spencer, we hear Toby saying as he gets up and holds his arm up.

- Toby? asks Spencer shocked.

- I know how you feel Spencer. It sucks to be lied to, states Mona with sarcasm as she smiles fakely. Hanna, Aria, Emily and I all look at each other, confused. Why is Toby turning his back against us? He's supposed to be protecting Spencer.

- Get up, tells Toby to our friend still sitting on the couch.

- I believed you, responds the brunette to her supposed boyfriend, sounding hurt.

- I said, get up! screams Toby to Spencer. The girls and I gasp and jump scared as we keep watching the scene downstairs. Toby grabs Spencer by her wrist and forces her to get up.

- You won't get away with this, warns our friend with venom in her voice to Mona.

- I'd say watch me but you won't be here to see it, smiles Mona as she replies to Spencer. Toby pushes the brunette and leads her outside by forced.

The girls and I look at each other as Mona walks away from the living room. This is the moment. We all exchange a glance together and nod, knowing our part in this plan is starting. We slowly and quietly walk down the stairs to surprise Mona. She won't get away like this, not again. She hurt us once, not twice. Hanna hides behind a wall as Emily and I stand at the opposite of the blonde. Aria stays upstairs, ready to come down at any moment or stop if Mona tried to go off. Mona looks at herself in a mirror and puts on her black hood over her head. Looks like she did this her whole life.

- Going somewhere? questions Hanna, her arms crossed over her chest and looking madly at her supposed best friend. Mona seems shocked. She turns around to run away but Emily and I block her way. The hooded girl tried the stairs but Aria blocks her way as well by running down the stairs to join us. Mona glances at all of us with angriness while shaking her head.

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