(father) Rick Grimes - Sick

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Emily's P.O.V.

I wake up, feeling hot, sweaty and weak. I cough and sneeze a few times as I feel my chest hurting. It hurts to cough. It hurts to sneeze. It hurts to breath. I sit up the best I can, feeling my whole body sore at every movement that I make. I sigh as I try to breath since my nose is full. I slowly stand up, feeling slightly dizzy. I walk out of my cell, my hand on the wall as I slowly step forward to my dad's cell. Everyone is asleep. There are few people snoring in their cell, which echoes lightly. I walk passed Carl's room and see him sleeping peacefully, one arm hanging out of the bed. I would have smile usually by the sight of my little brother but I feel so bad... I try to cough silently to not wake anyone as I keep walking along the corridor to dad's cell. I stop and let my head resting against the wall before sighing. More droplets of sweat are rolling down my face, back and neck/chest. Dad's cell is just one cell away from me, however, it looks so far right now. I cough gravely unable to stop the noise. I walk by the last cell and was about to enter dad's when he comes out, looking worried and nervous.

- Emily? whispers dad so he won't wake our group up. I hope I didn't wake everyone while coughing like I did. Are you the one coughing? I stare at him but don't answer his question. I sniff and cough again as I let my whole warm body leaning against the cold wall. Hey, let's.. let's get you back to bed, okay? I faintly nod as dad grabs my arm to let it pass behind his neck. He leads me back to my room and gently lays me down. He switches on the light of my night table lamp and covers my body with my blanket, but I stop him.

- Don't. It's too hot here, I whisper, breathing badly. Dad passes his hand over my forehead before grimacing sadly.

- You're very warm, baby. Let me go get Hershel, okay? I won't be long, he whispers to not wake anyone while standing up.

- No, dad, I say before sneezing. Dad hands me some tissues before walking back to the door of my cell.

- I won't be long, I promise, Emi, I watch my father walking quickly but quietly out of my cell to go to the doctor's one. I close my eyes, feeling tired.

Rick's P.O.V.

I run through the corridors, leading myself to Hershel's cell while trying to stay as quiet as possible. I arrive to the old man's cell and call him, not moving the cover that is hanging to give him some privacy.

- Hershel! Hershel!! I call loud enough for him to hear me. Hershel, please, there's an emergency, I plead the man. I hear some movement coming from inside the cell. I back away a bit before seeing the doctor appearing in front of me.

- What is it, Rick? Questions, the man, looking tired and kind of nervous at the same time.

- It's my daughter. She's burning up, you have to do something, I tell him, scared of what can happen to Emi.

- I grab my stuff and come.

- Thank you, I thank the man. I watch him taking his medical bag before coming back to me. I lead him to Emi's cell when I see my daughter, eyes closed and breathing badly. Emi? Emi?! I call her twice while shaking lightly her body. However, she doesn't respond.

- Let me look, Rick, tells, Hershel as he knees next to her bed. He puts his medical bag down and starts to examine my daughter. She looks so pale and weak. I hate it...

- Will she be alright? I ask nervously, pacing left to right. Hershel doesn't respond to my question as he listens to the rhythm of her heartbeat. Doc? I call him, still waiting for an answer. Hershel?

- She'll be fine, Rick. You need to give her this when she wakes up, he tells me, handing me a medicine. I take it.

- Why is she like that? What does she have? I ask, scared while he gets back up.

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