(father) Stefan Salvatore - Talent show

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Emily's P.O.V.

Uncle Damon, dad, Alaric and I are at the Grill, drinking some drinks. It's rare to have a free, fun, and enjoyable time here. A day without danger, one of us having our life on a thin line or anything that can harm us. it just feels surreal. I feel like something is going to happen soon. Maybe because I'm just too nervous?

- So, how's that boy you were meeting the other night? Asks me, Uncle Ric as he takes a sip from his drink. Alaric has been my history teacher for over a year now but he is also close to my father and uncle. So close that I take the man as my uncle now. Both, Uncle Damon and dad are looking at me with a frown. They know I was going to see a boy but I haven't tell them how it went.

- An absolute douchebag. All he wanted was sex and he brought here, to the Grill, to eat but when I refused to have some "fun", he walked off and let me pay for both meals, I say with and annoy and upset tone as I look at the three men with a fake smile.

- I'm sorry to hear that, tells me, Alaric. I lightly shrug as I take a sip of my drink.

- Do I need to go pay a visit to that guy? Asks me, dad while looking at me with a concerned frown. I smile, amused by his question.

- Wait for me, brother, adds, Uncle Damon while smirking.

- No, it's fine, dad. And anyway, I might have already punched him and broke one of the outside car mirror by accident, I reply with a smirk. I see Damon nodding and winking at me as Dad and Alaric frowns confused.

- Accident? Questions, the teacher.

- Well, technically, I didn't break his mirror. He did. I punched him and he fell. And while he was falling he bumped into the mirror causing it to break, I reply as I put both my hands slightly up. All three men smile to the sight of me. I smile back or them.

- Well, if he ever comes back you tell me, Honey. I don't want him near you especially if it's for... You know, tells me, dad before finishing his glass of alcohol. Dad has always been like this when it is about my sexual life.

- I will, daddy, I answer while nodding.

- So, what are you guys doing tonight since we are all free? Demands, Alaric as a waitress comes to us and brings us another bottle of Bourbon. Yes, my vampire uncle might have compelled the staff so I can drink.

- Not much. Drink. Maybe grab a bite if you know what I mean, whispers, Uncle Damon with a smirk. Alaric, dad and I all roll our eyes, annoyed.

- Spending time with Millie. It's our father/daughter night, responds, dad as he looks at me and smiles. I smile back at him before glancing at the teacher when Damon suddenly shakes his head.

- Oh, oh, I might have forgotten about tonight, begins to say, dad's brother, looking at us like a kid just did a foolishness.

- Why? What about tonight? Questions, dad, frowning confused as he pours a new drink to everyone.

- Well, there's that talent show tonight, at the Grill, the three of us nod as we wait for him to announce his bombshell. Well, I thought it could be fun for everyone so... I wrote your name on the list, he explains us before pointing at me. I stare at him with wide and surprised eyes, just like dad.

- You what? I ask him rapidly and nervously.

- You're going to present one of your talent tonight, repeats, Damon with joy in his voice.

- No, I tell him after laughing nervously.

- Yes, tells me, Damon.

- Damon, why did you do that? Questions, my father while shaking his head. I know dad knows I get really stressed whenever I am in front of a lot of people.

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