Noel Kahn - I believe you

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Aria, Emily, Hanna and I are in Emily's car driving to the church. Spencer is there fighting with Ian. The four of us are as stress as we never had been. We can hear her screaming and crying.

We parked in front of the church and run to the top of the it, screaming her name. She doesn't answer and it makes me more anxious. I am in for the of the girls screaming like crazy when I arrive at the top of the church and see Spencer see and resting on the wooden floor.

- Spenc, you alright ? We all ask her.
- No, she keeps staring down. I look over the fence and see Ian's body.
- oh my God, say Emily.
- what happened ? I ask her.
- I don't know, Ian tried to kill me and... Somebody saved me.
- who ? Ask quickly Aria.
- I don't know.. it had a black hoodie.

We all look at her lost until she starts sobbing. The five of us do a group hug to calm her down before exiting the church. Police cars are here, people are looking and judging us. I can hear every single judges from where I am. I look at the girls who look as scared and shook as I am. I can see my parents with the girls ones. At this time, I wish my boyfriend could be here. It was hard at first with the girls because they thought he was A but he proved that he wasn't. He is very supportive for us and especially me but also very protective. Maybe to much which always leads us to fight but end up going back to each other like nothing happened.

The girls and I are talking about A when I receive a message. They look at me and I take the phone in my pocket.

- who is it Ruby ? Ask Aria.
- Noel. I look for him between all the people but I can't see him. Do you guys see him ? I see them searching as well.
- there, say Hanna while pointing at him in the middle of the crowd. I smile to him and walk fast. He already opened his arms. I jump in his embrace.
- why are you here ? I ask him tightening my embrace.
- I was walking when I saw the lights, w-w-what happened ? Are you hurt or anything ? Are the girls alright ? He says while taking my head in his hands.
- yeah, yeah, we good. All scared but good. Spencer is shook up but she'll get over it.
- all right, I'm glad none of you are hurt.

I node and smile before taking him again in my arms. I can't stop hearing those judgment from the crowd that surrounded us.

- I think I never saw and felt you hugging me that much, he says chuckling.
- I need you tonight. I'm tired of those people judging us for something we didn't do.
- do you want to get away ?
- Let me go tell the girls that I'm going.
- okay, he kisses my forehead and than my lips.

I walk to the girls when Garret comes to us and asks us to go in his car. I turn around to Noel who frown. He watches us go in Garrett car and I keep staring at him. He nodes and walk away from the crowd. I sigh.

Three hours later I enter my home and discover my parents in the kitchen talking. They don't even bother taking me in their arms or ask me what happened. The both of them send me to my room. I wish I could tell them about A, about what happened to Spencer tonight, about what happened to Hanna when she got hit by a car,... All those things but I can't.

I put my pajama on and throw myself on my bed. Sometimes, everything that happen is too much and I need to evacuate everything.  I feel my tears rolling on the side of my head. I close my eyes to think when I hear a knock on my window. I stand up and open it.

- hey, I was hoping you would be there by this time. I hoped well, he whispers chuckling but stopped when he saw my eyes. Hey, don't cry babygirl. Why those tears ? He asks while siting on my bed and pulling me on his lap.
- I just can't do it anymore sometimes so I need break down, I whisper back. He nodes and erases my tears.
- You know you can tell me whatever you have on your mind. I'll always listen to you. You know I won't judge you or the girls.
- I know. I play with his collar before staring at his eyes. I hate A so much Noel and those people who judges us about things that happens to us is so hard to hear. I hate that they don't believe us. A-a-and the worst part is when the newspaper write about us but modify everything. He lays us down and plays with my hair. I take his hand in mine and play with it. It's an habit that I have when I nervous. I have to play with something.
- Maya, I believe you, everything and it's the more important right now, I node kiss him.

I tell him what I think about the situation and what could happen next. I like that he just listens to me and don't ask any questions.

Noel's P.O.V.

She talked for an hour and now it's been thirty minutes that she fell asleep. I keep playing with her hair. I used to always play with girls but her, I don't know why but it's different. I love her. That's the difference. I could do anything for her. And I am going to help her with A. He or she doesn't have the right to hurt a girl like Ruby. And especially my girl. I'll track this person until she is happy and free from A.

 I'll track this person until she is happy and free from A

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