Ruby Red (G de V) You're special to me

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(Y/N) finish her hair and make up and put on her red dress. She takes her heels in her right hand and go downstairs in the living room where her mom is sitting on the sofa looking at a picture. It was my grand dad. I miss him a lot but he passed away two years ago. I used to always be with him, talk to him, laugh with him. But now that I can travel back in time whenever I want, I can go see him.

I learned few weeks ago, when I turned 16, that I have a power, the power to go back in the past. It happened accidently few times until I told my mom and she brought me to the Guardians. My cousin were supposed to be the one to have this power but apparently it is me. When my mom announced that she falsify my birth documents, I realize that I had a lot to learn and also that my life is just a complete lie. But anyway... The guardians brought me to a room and there was a cubic thing called a chronograph. I put my finger in it and then I can travel on any date that they choose.

I met Gideon de Villiers, an arrogant and pretensious guy but also very sexy, lovely, smart and confident. Gideon first hated me which made me unconfortable. He was always giving me orders and were always repeating that I would sabotaged the mission. I was like the stupidest girl to him but in the end, I saved his life more than once and he changed his thought. I can't tell if it's really because I saved his life multiple times or if it's because he had time to learn about my life and me about his. Gideon is a good friend of my cousin, Gwyneth, and they still friend but she hasn't talk to me since she learned that I have the power. As kids, they learned everything, how to fight, how to walk, what to talk or not,... everything.

Gwyneth is my age, born the same day as me and she is in my school but we are not in the same class. She asks to not be with me and her wish got executed. Gideon is a year older than I am. Talking about him, tonight is the ball and mister de Villiers is my date. I enter the living room and sit beside my mom.

- You look beautiful honey, she takes me in her arms and kisses my cheeks.

- Thanks you mom. It's crazy but I am stressed, I laugh while putting my shoes on.

- You shouldn't be, Gideon is a nice guy and I sure he will find you beautiful.

- yeah, well I am more stress of knowing if I will step on his feet or not.

- oh, well, you'll figured it out when He'll ask you to dance. For now, you should stand because your gentleman has arrive, say my mom standing up. I see Gideon walking toward us a smile on his face. Hello Gideon, how are you ? You look great.

- I am good ma'am, how are you tonight ? Thank you ma'am but you're daughter is above everything.

- I'm alright. Isn't she ? smile my mom laughing. I stand up and walk to him.

- Hey, I simply tell him.

- Hey, he replies smiling and putting on my left wrist a bracelet with a red flower on it. You look gorgeous.

- Thank you, not to bad yourself, I laugh and so does he.

- Let's go ?

- Yes. Bye mom, have a goodnight. I kiss my mom cheeks and Gideon and I exit my house. We enter a limousine that drives us to my school.

Gideon and I enter the gymnase where the loud music is heard, lights are going crazy everywhere and people are dancing. My best friend (B/F/N) comes to us with her date. The guys stay together talking about guys stuff while (B/F/N) tells me that he bought her a necklace. The one that she wanted. (B/F/N) and her boyfriend have been together since last year. (B/F/N) also tells me that my cousin has been staring at my Gideon and I since we arrived. The guys come to us when the DJ announce that a slow song is about to be played. Gideon takes my hand and we go in the middle of the room. Only eight couples are dancing. The song "Perfect fall" is playing. We start dancing left to right. He makes me turn on myself until I step on his foot.

- I told you I was not a good dancer, I say feeling my cheeks burning.

- I don't care (Y/N), he replies his eyes not leaving me. Gideon and I are going to the left, to the right, turning, dancing.

- A predictable man with a ordinary girl, I joke.

- You have nothing ordinary (Y/N) (Y/L/N), he whispers his forehead and nose almost touching mine. I could feel his breathing on my face. Gideon makes me turn while a loud sound is heard and petals of flowers are spreading all over the floor. A bright smile crosses my face.

- What did you say ? I'm not sure of what you said, I whisper too, my head almost resting on his shoulder.

- You don't need powers to be special to me. I look up at him, our eyes meeting each other. His eyes are looking at my lips and mine are looking at his. He leans slowly forward until his lips crash on mine. The both of us stop dancing. Gideon puts his hands on my cheeks while our lips move in sync. It was so magical.

 It was so magical

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