(father) Carlisle Cullen - The daughter

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I slowly wake up with the light of the day entering my room and beaming on my face. I slightly groan while stretching before bringing my cover up to my chin. Last night was quiet tiring... Well, the whole day actually. I was sick, had a massive headache, coughed a lot and sneezed every two minutes. My throat kept being dry and itchy. It was hard to find sleep to be fair...

I gently open my eyes, getting them used to the light and stare at the wall. Well, mostly at a picture... The one with my whole family. Dad and mom are standing on both my sides as my brothers and sisters are circling us. We're a big family. My father is the well known doctor of Forks, the town we're "living" in. Well... We aren't living in twin exactly... More in the woods... But it's just a detail. Carlisle Cullen is the vampire doctor able to resist to the scent of blood. Amazing, right? Well, not a lot of people know that about what he is. They only see his "human" side, and it might be best this way. Humans get easily scared... Dad is the only person to call me his little ''miracle''. I wasn't supposed to be born. I mean, he's a vampire, right? He isn't supposed to be able to procreate. And still, he managed to have me with my mother, Esmee Cullen. Mom is always trying to cook me some meals and I have to say that sometimes, it's scary. But most of the time it is delicious. My siblings, Edward Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Rosalie Hale and Alice Cullen, are all older than me. And when I say older, I mean older. I'm closer to Emmett and Alice but it doesn't mean that I don't get well along with my other siblings.

I am still lost in my thoughts, staring at the photo when I feel a cold hand running down my cheek. I gasp in surprise and look at the person next to me. I didn't hear him coming in... I faintly smile while slowly sitting up on the mattress. I pass my hand in my hair, feeling feverish. I hate this feeling... My father smiles gently at me before handing me a glass with medicine in it. Ugh... I already grimace, knowing what taste it's going to have.

- Morning, baby, greets me, dad, before kissing my forehead. If I was a "normal human" girl, I would be surprised by how cold his skin is, but I'm so used to it. Everyone is a vampire here... How did you sleep? Still feeling sick?

- Morning, dad. Well, yeah, I d... I didn't have time to finish my sentence that a serie of sneezes stopped me. I look at my dad with annoyed eyes which made him smile gently. He grabs the box of tissues and hands it to me. Thanks, I blow my nose and throw them into the half full trash next to my bed. I didn't really sleep last night, to answer your question, I inform him, already knowing he was going to ask me.

- I know, I heard you cough and sneeze all night. And I came to check on you every hour, he admits to me with a gentle voice.

- You did? I ask him with surprise as I don't remember it.

- Of course, I did. But you were sleeping each time I came, I nod as I look at the glass in his hand again. Dad hands it to me and I take it after sighing. I look at him with a disgusted look while drinking it. I hear him softly laughing because of my facial expression. I know, it doesn't taste good, but you'll feel better soon, he says with a motivated tone as he stands up from my bed.

- I wish I could be like you, mom and my siblings. I wouldn't be sick right now, I reply with a complaining tone as I lay back down, my head on my pillow.

- Lynn, calls me, dad, while sitting back next to me. I look up at him, titling lightly my head on the side. A stroke of my hair slowly slide down my face before it covers my eye. Dad passes his left hand over my face and delicately pushes my hair back to tuck it behind my ear. You're lucky to be the way you are. Lots of us want to be like you, to have that special part like you, that human part, he says with a reminding tone.

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