The Originals - Birthday girl

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Ginny's P.O.V.

I knew today would be a big day but I didn't think that they would make it that big. I woke up in my bed, the sunrise shining through my thin curtains, lighting up my bedroom. I sit up and look at the paintings that my father painted with me and at the picture of my family and I hanging on the walls. My name is Ginny Mikaelson, daughter of Klaus Mikaelson. I never met my mother and never really wanted to know her either. She was never there for me, she never gave me anything, never wished anything for me,... Why should I want to meed her? Anyway, I stand up and gently prepare myself before walking downstairs. I put on a black jean and a black crop top when my Aunt Bekah, enters my bedroom with my friend Davina and my "step-mother" Hayley.

- Morning, Little Niece, says joyfully, my aunt as she smiles brightly at me.

- Morning to the three of you, I respond, lightly chuckling as I look at the facial expressions the two girls behind the blonde one are doing. Why are the three of you here? And at the same time?

- Well, it's a pretty day, the sun is high in the sky, the birds are singing so I thought why not going for some shopping, answers, Aunt Rebekah as she comes standing next to me.

- All of us? I thought... I begin to say, but get interrupted by my aunt.

- Yes, all of us. Come on, cuts me, my aunt in mid-sentence before pushing me out of my own bedroom. Davina and Hayley follow us in, laughing.

We arrive downstairs and I pass beside my father and my two uncles, Elijah and Kol, who are smirking. I look at them with pleading eyes, telling them to help me. However, they do not move and wave at me goodbye. Really? They wouldn't even have a twig of sympathy for me? I roll my eyes, annoyed, knowing it is useless. We get in the car and Hayley is our driver.

I spend the whole day with the girls doing stores, looking at the clothes, trying on some of them and buying, or should I say compelling the cashiers to get our clothes free. Thanks to Aunt Bekah... We almost did all of the stores of the mall containing clothes except one. Which I was hoping we wouldn't have done... It is full of dresses for all kind of events. Davina pushes me inside the store, giggling, accompanied by the other two girls behind. The faster we get in, the faster we get out, right? It's not that I don't like dresses but I don't wear it often. Even at family dinners, I'm wearing jeans, a black, grey or blue tops with a leather jacket. The only time I wear a dress is for weddings, funerals and birthdays... At times. Hayley and Davina are looking around excitedly and are already trying multiple dresses on. They look like two little girls, laughing happily of this little going out. I lightly chuckle, amused to see them having so much fun. Aunt Bekah stays by my sides, showing me some dresses. I guess she is scared that I run away from this store. Even my aunt knows me well...

- You should try those on, Darling. They'll look good on you, she tells me with a smile as she placed one dress before me. I smile as well, amused by her joyfulness before grabbing all the dresses she is holding. I can't say no, can I? And what else do I have to do? I walk over to the lodge and go try out the dresses.

I hang the three dresses on the hanger and close the curtain to change. Argh... I am definitely not trying this one. I don't like the form nor the color of this one. I take the first dress and try it on. Not fantastic... I walk out of the fitting room to show it to the girls. Hayley, Davina and Rebekah look at the dress but they all shake their head negatively. I get back in the lodge and change to try the other one. Much better... But it still doesn't look very good. I exit the fitting room again but Hayley isn't there anymore. Both, Aunt Bekah and Davina shake their head left to right again. I lightly sigh, annoyed. Hayley comes back to us and hands me two other dresses. Great... I take them while faintly smiling at her before re-entering the fitting room. I hand all the dresses I already tried out, adding the one I don't like. Let's try these out... I put on the first dress Hayley handed me. I like it but it might be too short... I do two steps and it almost up to my belly. I laugh which makes the girls laugh as well even though they don't know the reasons. I take it off and try the second one. It's a long red dress which let my shoulders uncovered and also my back.

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