(Father) Daryl Dixon - Fever

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Megan's P.O.V.

I wake up with warm raise of sunlights on my face. The thin blanket that is hanging at the top of the door cell to give me a bit more privacy, seemed to have been lightly pushed. Dad must have come earlier to check if I was up of not. Last night, I had a headache. It was so painful that the lights were making my head throbbing even more. And this morning, my headache didn't pass at all. I sit up on my bed when I suddenly feel like every was spinning for a second. I groan and close my eyes while the sensation passes. My stomach starts to slowly but surely hurt. Oh God, is it that time of the month again? Could explain my headache then. I stand up and walk down to the kitchen area where Carl, Carol, Beth and Judith are.

- Hey, look who's up, tells cheerfully, Carl, as he smiles at me. Carl and I are really good friends even though we have few years of difference.

- Hey Carl, I say smiling back... Or should I say grimacing back. Carl frowns concern.

- Are you alright? Still have that headache? Questions, my friend, as I see him glancing worriedly to Carol. The woman walks to me with a glass of jus.

- Yeah, but my stomach hurts as well. I guess I'm just a... Woman. But you can't know the feeling, I lightly chuckle as I answer him before grabbing the glass of jus in front of me. Thanks Carol, I faintly smile to the woman with grey short hair. She smiles back but lightly frowns with concern just like Carl.

- I think you look at bit pale, tells me, Beth, as she is holding and rocking Judith while lightly humming a song. You should go see my father.

- No, I'm fine. I just need some fresh air, I stand up and turn around to leave but I got dizzy again.

- Meg? Calls me, Carl, as he stands up from his chair, ready to catch me if I fall.

- I'm good Carl, I chuckle again. I just turned to fast. I'll be outside if you need me, I walk quickly toward the exit of the building, feeling their eyes burning my back with worry.

I arrive outside, the sun lightly blinding me for a second. I can feel my head pounding more. I pass my hand over my forehead, feeling some sweat covering it. I frown confusedly before wiping it against my trousers. What is happening to me? Headache first, then stomachache and now sweat. I let a heavy and deep sigh out as I drag my body toward the garden. I remember Rick asking me to take care of it today so let's start. I take the shovel and begin to work in the dirt. I've been doing this for five minutes and my whole body already hurts. The pain is my head is like someone i pressing a pin in it. In my stomach it is like someone is either playing with my guts and put them upside down or is snatching them. Even cramps aren't that painful. I plant the shovel in the dirt and let myself lightly lean on it as my vision begins to move in circle again, making everything spinning around I. I pass my hand over forehead, grimacing just by moving up my arm making my whole body tense and in pain.

- Morning, Meg? You alright? I hear Glenn asking me from the bottom of the tower. I nod but don't look at him at first, letting my head rests on the shovel handle. When I turn around I remark that he is already climbing up in the tower to join Maggie.

I slowly restart to work when a wave of nausea hits me. I put my hand over my mouth and close my eyes as I breath deeply and slowly. I feel so bad. So sick. I need to find my father. He can't be far, Rick needed him this morning. I let the shovel drop and make my way with all the energy that I have to find my father. I slowly and weakly walk through the outside of the prison with my hand over my stomach while trying not to throw up. I look around I with difficulty and remark people doing their job. Everything that is surrounding me is moving up and down and side to side or just turning on themselves. I can feel my legs shaking at each step that I take. I feel weaker and weaker each minutes and feel like my clothes are getting wet from my sweat. I feel feverish. I begin to walk a bit faster, trying not to fall at the same time as I look around the prison to spot my father. I arrive toward the gate when I see him talking with Rick. I painfully and weakly drag my sick body toward him, hoping at the same time that I'll make it to him before falling on the ground.

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