Shane Walsh (daughterXDad) 30 minutes

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When we entered the CDC, I was so relieved. I felt safer, like a weight was gone from my shoulder. The doctor Jenner gave us food, water, beds, showers, show us tones of books,.... That night, the group and I were happy, the adults were drinking, talking, laughing out loud just like the kids except we had jus. I sit beside dad who has an arm around me. I miss seeing him happy like that. But I know something is wrong. I know that this something is the woman in front of us. I know my dad's adventure with Lori Grimes. But I don't judge him or her for that. I mean, the world ended, they did what they could to forget it... I guess. Lori and Rick Grimes are like my uncle and my aunt. They were and still are always here for me and dad. I never met my mom, she left when I was 3 months old.

After diner, I went to the library with Carl, Sofia and Carol. Lori joined us few minutes later. I was siting in a corner where nobody could see me, reading a comic book. I missed those. I used to have a whole shelve of those books. I was concentrated on my reading when I heard a door being close violently which caused me to have a jump scared.

- Jesus, you scared me, say Lori looking at the person. I close my book and stare at her before trying to see the person from my place but I can't.
- I'm gonna tell you a few things and you're gonna listen to me, say my dad to her. He is completely wasted. I close my eyes and sigh silently. I hate when he is like that.
- Now is not the time, she simply answers.
- come on. When is it ever the time ? He questions her. Lori walks away from the books. I stand up but stay hidden. Now I can see both of them. How can you treat me like this ? He sounds so sad that it breaks my heart. Yes it wasn't right that they hooked up but still, he is my dad. If he's sad or else I'm too.
- you're kidding, right ? I hear my dad saying no. You told me my husband was dead.
- I didn't lie to you, all right ? I didn't. Lori walks to the door but dad closes it before she could go away. Do you know how it was like there ? She didn't want to hear about it but dad keeps going. Things were falling apart. They were slaughtering people in the hallways. It was a massacre. His voice is shaking of angriness, fear and sadness. I hate hearing him like this. There were walkers everywhere.
- so you left him ?
- Everybody else ran. There were no doctors there. His voice is getting louder and cracked more. It was just me. He was hooked up to machines and I did not know what to do. I even took my hear and put it on his chest and I listened for a heartbeat and I did not hear one, he continues his voice getting lower and lower. He sounds like he is going to cry. I haven't remark but I had tears rolling down my cheeks. And I-I-I-I-I don't know why. Maybe it was gunfires. I don't know what it was, but there was no way he could have survived that. He punches the wall. No way.
- he did, is all she says.
- yeah, but then I had y'all to think about, didn't I? He pushes Lori against a table. I had you and Carl, and I needed to think about. Okay ?
- no no, you had to think about your daughter too. She is part of--
- don't put her in this. You know I would give my life for my daughter at any cost but right now I'm not talking about her but you and Carl. Look, if you thought for one second that he was still alive, would you have come ? So I saved your life, you and your little boy's. That's what I did.

The both of them look at each other in the eyes. Lori tries to push dad away but he keeps coming back to her. She started screaming so I took the book and exit my hideout. The screams stop. I don't look at them, I can't. Not after what I heard and saw. He was about to rape Lori. I stare at the floor all while I exit the room. My cheeks are wet. I hold the book against my chest tightly. I enter my room that I share with my dad and lay on my bed. Few minutes later, the door opens and dad enters. I have my back facing him. I don't want him to know that I'm crying. I hear him kneeing behind me and sighing.

- honey, I'm sorry for what you saw and heard. I didn't know you were there and if I knew--
- nothing would have changed dad. You would have simply tell me to walk out and you would have done the same. I can feel his hand on my forearm and his thumb rubbing it. He rests his head on mine.
- you're right. But I don't want you to be scared of me or think I'm a monster. Lori isn't for anything and--
- dad I'm tired and you're wasted. Can we talk tomorrow ? I hear him sigh again.
- alright baby, he kisses my cheek and goes laying down on his bed. I sniffed and close my eyes trying to fall asleep.

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