Klaus Mikealson - First daughter, second choice?

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Jade's P.O.V.

When I was born, I was THE miracle baby. I mean, my dad is the famous Original Hybrid Niklaus Mikaelson and he wasn't supposed to be able to have a child. Well turns out he can. My mother and him met at a party and they had a one night stand. Guess it was enough. I loved my mother more than anything. She was everything to me, my world, my strength, my happiness, she could calm me down in a second and knew perfectly how to help me with my powers. But that was before she got killed by a hunter. The man knew about me and who my father was so he used her. Unfortunately, she didn't tell him anything like he thought she would have and killed her. I was with my father when it happened. I was spending the day with him, my uncle Elijah and my aunt Rebekah. The night I discovered mom's dead body was the night everything changed. Well that's what I thought. Since that night, I completely live with my father and his siblings.

The months were... Well, I barely got out of my bedroom. I couldn't and didn't have any strength to do it. My dad came to see me everyday, checking if I was alright, if I needed anything, if I wanted something or else. While my uncles and my aunts would come talk to me until I tell them that I didn't want to see anybody. I would accidentally break something in my room or in the bathroom because of my emotions working on my powers. I often drew or painted on canvas to express my feelings. But it often end up with a ripped up canvas and paint everywhere. I slowly deal with my mother's death and happiness was coming back little by little. My family saw it and it actually warmed their hearts when they saw I was getting better. I know it must have hurt them seeing me like this, this whole time. I thought that, after dealing with my mother's death, everything would come back to normal, but I was wrong.

This girl, Hayley, that my dad met months ago, got pregnant. Yes, you heard right. She lives with us now and we all waited until the baby was born. During those 9 months, there were a lot of fights, family problems, and else to deal with. Dad and I got a bit distant because he was protecting Hayley from his numerous ennemies. I mean I understand he is protecting his future baby but I hope we will get closer again.

Hayley had her baby three months ago, it was weird at first because I don't have the habitude of having a little sister. Like I said, I thought everything would come back to normal but I was wrong. I feel even more left over than when my mother died. I, most of the time, feel bored in my bedroom or in the garden when the members of my family aren't there. I try to control my powers but it often gets... Well, crazy. Last time I almost blow a window off and dad saw it and screamed at me. I went to my bedroom like most of my time and try to control and deal with my powers alone again. It's safer in my bedroom. When mom was still here, it was way easier. I stayed on my bed, staring at the ceiling until someone came knocking on my door.

- Yes, I say with my face on my pillow. Uncle Elijah opens the door and walks up to my bed before sitting on it. He puts his hand on my back.

- Hey Jade, he says smiling at me while I sit and stare at him. Are you okay? It's been a while since we all did something together, want to join us? We're going to the French Quarter.

- No, I'm good, I say laying back down.

- Darling, is something wrong? Questions gently, Uncle Elijah as he runs his hand on my arm.

- No, I lie, not daring to look up at him. I hear my uncle sighing.

- If it's about Hope, you don't have to feel like that. I turn my head to look at him who is smiling back at me. How does he know about how I feel? He always figures everything out. You'll always be his first daughter and his little miracle, Jade. Being jealous of your half-baby-sister isn't worth it.

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