Bellamy Blake - I can't lose you

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I am laying is a sleeping bag, inside my tent with the sun going through the thin fabric. It's already the morning. I had the worst night ever. Between the strange animals, the noises they made, the branches that cracked and the cold. I get out of the sleeping bag and put on my shoes before getting out of my tent. I remarked that Octavia is already up. She's not in the tent anymore. Everyone is already up... or almost everyone. I spot Octavia with Jasper and Monty around a fire camp, eating while Clarke, Finn and Raven just got inside the dropship. Some people are already working around the camp. I venture myself until spotting a group ready for a run. Bellamy is checking his gun not far from them. I want to go with them. I walk to Bellamy who smiles to me when he sees me. Bell always considered me as a second little sister since I was the only one ''accepting'' and helping Octavia. Though, I wished he would love me in another way.

- Morning Princess, slept well? He asks me still checking his gun.

- Morning, so-so. Bell, I want to come, I tell him seriouly but calmly.

- Devon, we already talked about it. You're not coming on hunting trip, he says stopping what he was doing to look down at me. Bell is two heads taller than I am.

- So put me in another group.

- Definitely not.

- Why ? I need to know how to fight and so does Octavia.

- No, I don't want you girls in danger.

- Bellamy, we are in danger, either we are inside or outside the camp.

- But you are less exposed to danger inside the camp, he tells me finishing checking his gun and walking away.

- Bellamy! I say stopping him by grabbing his shoulder. Imagine you're away with a group in the woods and when you come back, you discovered that the camp got attacked. You look for Clarke and the others but you remark that Octavia and I are missing. What do you do?

- Devon...

- Bell, answer me, please.

- I will look for the both of you and will kill the ones that kidnapped you both.

- Okay, but imagine you found the both of us, tied up somewhere and you can only choose one of us because you will not have time to save us both. Who will you save first? Octavia? Or I? I see him thinking and looking down. Bellamy, what I'm trying to tell you is that Octavia will always be your first choice and you know it. She's your sister and I get that. I do, really. And even if you would have choose me, I wouldn't let you choose me over her. So this is why I need to know how to fight.

- Alright, but stay near me or in my sight.

- Bellamy! Scream Octavia running toward us. I want to come too. I heard your conversation and she's right.

- Octavia, I want you to stay here, end of the conversation.

- Bellamy, if I need to learn how to fight, Octavia does too. You won't always be around us, I tell him seriously. He sighs and gestures us to follow him.

Octavia smiles before hugging me. Finn who puts an arm around my shoulders, join the two of us. What would I do without my cousin? We all follow Bellamy and his group who get into the woods, leaving the camp behind. Birds are singing in the trees, brown, red and yellow leaves are falling on the ground, a light wind is making my hair flying lightly. The group and I adventure ourselves more and more into the woods before Bellamy divided us in pairs.

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