Shane Walsh (DaughterXDad) dead BFF

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The group and I arrive at a barn a week or two ago. A man named Otis shot Carl by accident so they ask us to stay at their home until the boy is fine. We met the Green's family who are very nice people but also very blinded with all of what happens. It's like they're not aware of what is outside but they don't want to admit or face it. The old man, Hershel Greene, is a doctor,.. well a veterinarian but still. Then there are Annette Greene, Hershel's wife. Maggie,  Beth and Shawn are there kids, well step kids for some of them.

I was in the forest with Carol, Lori, Glenn and Daryl when Maggie came to tell us that Carl's been shot and that she needed Lori. She also gave us the way to rejoin them at her barn. After that we all went back to the RV where Dale and T-Dog were waiting, and we drove to it. When we arrived there, Shane, my dad, was outside while Rick and Lori were upstairs near Carl. I exited the RV and run up to him. He takes me in his arms while telling the others what happened. His embrace is so strong that I could feel, in a way, his emotions.

Few days later, Carl woke up. It was a relief to everyone. Dad started to act weird since the accident. He was angrier everyday which makes me sad. I tried to talk to him but he wouldn't listen to me so I just act like it doesn't matter. We haven't really talk since. Last time was four days ago.

I am actually sitting against a tree, thinking of what I could be doing if nothing had happened when I hear Maggie scream at my dad. Glenn is in the middle, looking at both of them. I stand up and walk up to them when I hear growlings. I turn around and see Rick with Hershel and Shawn bringing walkers. Dad starts running to them with the whole group and Hershel's family behind him. I follow them.

- what the hell are you doing ? Scream dad still running.
- why do your people have guns ? Ask Hershel to Rick. I stop running and stand beside Glenn.
- Are you kidding me ? You see ? You see what they're holding onto ? Keep screaming my dad while walking fast in circle around Rick and Hershel.
- Shane, just let us do this and then we can talk, suggest Rick.
- what do you want to talk about, Rick ? These things ain't sick. They're not people. They're dead ! Ain't gonna feel nothing for them 'cause all they do, they kill !! These things right here, they're the things that killed Amy. They killed Otis. They're gonna kill all of us ! Yell my dad very angry.
- Dad, shut up ! I scream to him. He looks at me but did not care.
- hey Hershel man, let me ask you something. Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this ? No !
- Dad, stop it !
- could someone who's alive, could they just take that ?! Could they just take that ?! He says shooting in the stomach of one of the walker. Why is still coming ? That's it's heart, it's lungs. Why is it still coming ? He yells shooting again.
- Shane, enough ! Scream Rick.
- yeah, you right man, that is enough, he then shoot the walkers in the head. Hershel, in shock, falls on his knees. Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone ! I see Carol backing away. And everybody being scared. Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us.
- Enough ! Yell Rick to my dad.
- Dad, stop it ! You're scaring people ! He keeps staring at me like he was sorry but continues anyway.
- Enough ! Rick, it ain't like it was before ! Now, if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, you got to flight for it ! Right here, right now ! Dad runs to the barn while Rick tries to give the snare pole to the old man but he ain't moving. Hershel is in shocked on the ground. Rick screams at him. Dad kicks the barn's door with a crowbar to attract them. He takes the safety that keep the walkers in the barn off and comes back to us. I take my gun out ready to shoot. I walk up beside my dad. Everyone are in place, ready to shoot.
- you really are stupid dad ! I wish my old dad could come back ! He wasn't a dick and wasn't acting stupidly like you are now !
- don't talk to me that way Emmy ! I'm your father ! He yells at me.
- I'll talk to you the way I want until my dad comes back ! Where is the calm police man you were ?!
- shut up ! Yell Rick to us, then Daryl starts shooting.

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